Craig Mackail-Smith

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Back to the subject of Mackail-Smith. I live amongst a host of Norwich fans (yes, after promotion there is such a thing) and they are firmly of the opinion that their team lost interest because of his unreasonable wage demands. They are laughing at Leicester and West Ham for getting drawn into a wage auction with a greedy player.
(I report, I do not know the accuracy of this).

I would say there is some reason to believe this their Chairman said he accepted 3 BIDS for the player.Wage ping pong is the game he is playing........let West Ham have him I say !
Hi there having read the comments about my views on players i only feel that your comments about me are a little over the top,I fully understand that people do have different views on players and i respect yours views too but one thing i do know is that like you i am a true fan of LCFC and i feel that these comments should stop, now lets be honest i havent insulted you so cant we be a little sensible about this and get on a little .i really hope we can ,this is a great site ,i love to use it ,but id like friendship please. Thanks.
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of ego boosting that goes on, on here. It is one of the reasons why I have started to go off this forum.
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of ego boosting that goes on, on here. It is one of the reasons why I have started to go off this forum.

I can't see any ego boosting going on. It grates on me when people justify their opinion by saying they have X number of years experience watching the game, as though that means that they cannot possibly be wrong.
I can't see any ego boosting going on. It grates on me when people justify their opinion by saying they have X number of years experience watching the game, as though that means that they cannot possibly be wrong.
I too found the comment about x years experience absurd. But like I said, I still think there are some big ego's on here (and I'm not talking about BF). Too often people are more interested in shooting down the poster rather than engaging in some sort of debate. If we were all to meet face to face I dare say things might be a bit more civil. Trouble is when your sat behind a computer, it is quite easy to call someone a ****! Love you all. x
I can't see any ego boosting going on. It grates on me when people justify their opinion by saying they have X number of years experience watching the game, as though that means that they cannot possibly be wrong.

Its all about opinions and none of those are guaranteed to be right
Now, I would disagree. The good - and the bad - thing about a forum is that one often does not know with whom one is communicating: it could be a lad (or lass) waiting to attend their first match next season, or an old fogie, such as myself, who has seen the whole merry-go-round revolve many times: many, many times...... (a humorous reference that no antediluvian will understand).

I do agree, however, that age does not make one's views any more correct which is why I like the mix on this board.
According to, QPR are also in the hunt for CMS, so two London clubs vs a trip down the road to City, nice to be wanted.
Too often people are more interested in shooting down the poster rather than engaging in some sort of debate.
Too often people try to argue for points that have already been shown up for the utter bullshit they are. Too often people simply assert things without showing any reason why they believe the assertion to be correct. Too often I read of people having big egos or 'bullying' other forum members or 'flexing their e-muscles' (for ****'s sake) when in fact nothing of the sort has happened.
I was out last night with one of the back room staff, and he told me the CMS deal is OFF. Leicester have pulled the plug on it as he (CMS) was getting too greedy and demanding too much, so Sven decided not to bother. If true I hope he puts the money towards Maynard instead. Oh and he also said the Mills transfer looks done :)
I really Hope he's right.
Dont you all think that we should all get over it ,its going on a little to long .and can i say that if i for one has caused any offence to anyone on this site im extremely sorry,i truely mean that , cant we just get on and talk about our game

Can i say that if i have upset anyone on this site i am extremely sorry ,i truely mean that, but can we put it to bed now, and talk about more important things than ourselves ,(lets get back and talk about the game we all love so much and our club LCFC.)its time to move on guys.
Too often people try to argue for points that have already been shown up for the utter bullshit they are. Too often people simply assert things without showing any reason why they believe the assertion to be correct. Too often I read of people having big egos or 'bullying' other forum members or 'flexing their e-muscles' (for ****'s sake) when in fact nothing of the sort has happened.

Do you not believe the pedantry has gotten a bit out of hand and construes a form of bullying? In school we teach the STOP definition of bullying (Several Times On Purpose) which I would think pretty much sums up some of the grammar correction etc on here.
Too often people are more interested in shooting down the poster rather than engaging in some sort of debate.

Agreed. The pedantic behaviour by a select few on this forum is what grates with me the most and it tends to come from some of the more established members of the forum. Just the other day I noticed somebody used the word 'excepted' in the wrong context, they clearly meant 'accepted'. I knew what they meant, so I didn't feel the need to point it out. Unfortunately some people do pick people up on these errors and not only that but see fit to do it in such a sarcastic manner that shows some sort of arrogant superiority.
Do you not believe the pedantry has gotten a bit out of hand and construes a form of bullying? In school we teach the STOP definition of bullying (Several Times On Purpose) which I would think pretty much sums up some of the grammar correction etc on here.
Does that definition apply when teachers repeatedly make corrections on the same students' work? Or do they not do that any more?
Does that definition apply when teachers repeatedly make corrections on the same students' work? Or do they not do that any more?

Surely that's a completely different environment? It's a teacher's job to teach, and when students go into school they no doubt expect to be corrected on their mistakes as that's what schooling is all about. Also at school I don't remember ever having any sarcastic back chat from teacher's, it is all done in the proper manner. Maybe it was different for other people!
Does that definition apply when teachers repeatedly make corrections on the same students' work? Or do they not do that any more?

Aside from the fact that I know you understand the obvious differences between correcting a child's spelling in a learning environment and a forum, corrections given in school are constructive. Corrections such as

Danns. Don't get that one wrong again please, it's likely to send me batshit mental.

are not.
Surely that's a completely different environment? It's a teacher's job to teach, and when students go into school they no doubt expect to be corrected on their mistakes as that's what schooling is all about. Also at school I don't remember ever having any sarcastic back chat from teacher's, it is all done in the proper manner. Maybe it was different for other people!
My teachers were the most sarcastic shower of bastards I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
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