Everton Win Bent Race

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Great!! I heard we were on the verge of clinching him aswell, aaaaaaaah well. Back to the drawing board.

Signed for Everton for £300K + £150k after appearances!.. out of our league perphaps.. pathetic!
Why is it pathetic? It might be a blessing in disguise. Yes he looked good at times last season, but he also looked bloody lazy as well. If he wont do it in the prem, why would he do it in div 1(sorry the championship!!). Maybe those tractor boy supporters were right, C'est la vie, thats life etc etc. We'll get over him and get another in to hero worship 8)
EMC Fox said:
I guess that's put a few noses out of place on here... can we believe anyone anymore? :?:

He WAS in talks with us, FACT, Everton have come in for him and he see's that as a better move, knowone could foresee it. We will be in talks with alot of players and the rumours will be posted on here, but until that ink is dry on the paper nothing is certain. :?
Craig & EMC Fox, This will be brief AND my last post, We were VERY close to bringing Marcus back to Leicester in fact by the time I posted it my mate thought it was a done deal, Rooney, Euro 2004, Everton needing a striker, all culminated in a silly offer being made to Marcus, MONEY TALKS !! NOTHING is certain in football things can change in an instant, my nose is very much in joint thankyou and I don`t see why I should take this kind of shit when all I`m doing is trying to give a bit of info to fellow fans, It won`t happen again ! seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya :!:
mad biker said:
Craig & EMC Fox, This will be brief AND my last post, We were VERY close to bringing Marcus back to Leicester in fact by the time I posted it my mate thought it was a done deal, Rooney, Euro 2004, Everton needing a striker, all culminated in a silly offer being made to Marcus, MONEY TALKS !! NOTHING is certain in football things can change in an instant, my nose is very much in joint thankyou and I don`t see why I should take this kind of shit when all I`m doing is trying to give a bit of info to fellow fans, It won`t happen again ! seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya :!:

Don't let them get to you, the majority of people on here value your info. Keep up the good work MB, any other news on players?
mad biker said:
Craig & EMC Fox, This will be brief AND my last post, We were VERY close to bringing Marcus back to Leicester in fact by the time I posted it my mate thought it was a done deal, Rooney, Euro 2004, Everton needing a striker, all culminated in a silly offer being made to Marcus, MONEY TALKS !! NOTHING is certain in football things can change in an instant, my nose is very much in joint thankyou and I don`t see why I should take this kind of shit when all I`m doing is trying to give a bit of info to fellow fans, It won`t happen again ! seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya :!:

If Craig and EMC Fox want to be a pair of selfish fools that is up to them. As far as I am concerned they can look away every time you post. Like Malf, I appreciate the efforts you have made and I don't expect you to be perfect as there is many a slip twixt cup and slip, and if you have any info you feel you want to share with us, don't let a couple ill-mannered fools put you off. :wink:
Steven said:
mad biker said:
Craig & EMC Fox, This will be brief AND my last post, We were VERY close to bringing Marcus back to Leicester in fact by the time I posted it my mate thought it was a done deal, Rooney, Euro 2004, Everton needing a striker, all culminated in a silly offer being made to Marcus, MONEY TALKS !! NOTHING is certain in football things can change in an instant, my nose is very much in joint thankyou and I don`t see why I should take this kind of shit when all I`m doing is trying to give a bit of info to fellow fans, It won`t happen again ! seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya :!:

If Craig and EMC Fox want to be a pair of selfish fools that is up to them. As far as I am concerned they can look away every time you post. Like Malf, I appreciate the efforts you have made and I don't expect you to be perfect as there is many a slip twixt cup and slip, and if you have any info you feel you want to share with us, don't let a couple ill-mannered fools put you off. :wink:

Myself included, was pissed that Benty didn't join us but its not your fault. If it ever seemed as though I was being critical of you then I feel embaressed :oops: and apologise.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone... it wasn't the info that I was referring to - it was the constant "Wait and see" attitude despite all the media being certain he was in merseyside.

Keep up the info - just dont "flog a dead horse" when it's clear that it's already bolted :D

Sorry again!
mad biker said:
Craig & EMC Fox, This will be brief AND my last post, We were VERY close to bringing Marcus back to Leicester in fact by the time I posted it my mate thought it was a done deal, Rooney, Euro 2004, Everton needing a striker, all culminated in a silly offer being made to Marcus, MONEY TALKS !! NOTHING is certain in football things can change in an instant, my nose is very much in joint thankyou and I don`t see why I should take this kind of shit when all I`m doing is trying to give a bit of info to fellow fans, It won`t happen again ! seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya :!:

MB I for one appreciate your info., don't let a couple of fools put you off from posting on here. I am gutted about Marcus not signing, but as you rightly pointed out yesterday, nothing in football is certain.
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