Excusing the inexcusable

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Well-Known Member
I couldn't do it.

I couldn't stand up and defend shitters like this...

Brendan Finucane QC, mitigating for Collis, said: "His life has disintegrated. His marriage has ended, he has lost his home, his life has fallen to pieces."

Sussex Police admit GP Antony Collis abuse case failings

Nicholas Gerasimidis, defending, said Leat had shown "genuine repentance" for his actions. He told the court a psychiatric report found they started when his 27-year marriage became "asexual" 10 years ago. "He is truly ashamed of the whole business," Mr Gerasimidis said.

Somerset primary teacher Nigel Leat filmed abuse
I couldn't do it.

I couldn't stand up and defend shitters like this...

I could.

At the end of the day, if and when I have to represent (defend sounds wrong, especially when defendants like Leet pleaded guilty) scum like this, I don't have to agree with or approve of what they have done. Every person has the right to be represented, and I would hope that any Judge passes the sentence that is appropriate in the circumstances.
I suspect they'll have a tough time in prison.


Should do away with solitary for scum like this. Put them on a wing with all the other inmates. See how feckin repentant they are then.
Hopefully, they will get their just desserts inside, but we don't get to hear about the justice being dished out.
Should do away with solitary for scum like this. Put them on a wing with all the other inmates. See how feckin repentant they are then.
Hopefully, they will get their just desserts inside, but we don't get to hear about the justice being dished out.

only a sadistic person would want to hear about it
I could.

At the end of the day, if and when I have to represent (defend sounds wrong, especially when defendants like Leet pleaded guilty) scum like this, I don't have to agree with or approve of what they have done. Every person has the right to be represented, and I would hope that any Judge passes the sentence that is appropriate in the circumstances.

Mitigation pleas for crimes like these are cries from a blackened heart.

I do wonder how their lawyers sleep.
Should do away with solitary for scum like this. Put them on a wing with all the other inmates. See how feckin repentant they are then.
Hopefully, they will get their just desserts inside, but we don't get to hear about the justice being dished out.

Do they get solitary? Is this a fact?

Mitigation pleas for crimes like these are cries from a blackened heart.

I do wonder how their lawyers sleep.

The way the system works, the barrister can't turn the client away, no matter how despicable the crime. What the barrister does is to put the client's instructions to the Judge, and let him or her decide from there.

The barrister does not have to agree, approve or condone the client's behaviour in any way shape or form, and therefore requires some kind of emotional detachment from the job he or she is doing. The way I see it, there's no "defence" or "prosecution"; it's about representing the client, and putting their case forward, as they want it. Even the "good guys" get it wrong. Quite often, from my observations.

Could I do it?

Yes. Yes I could.

Which is a bloody good job considering my career choice.
Do they get solitary? Is this a fact?

The way the system works, the barrister can't turn the client away, no matter how despicable the crime. What the barrister does is to put the client's instructions to the Judge, and let him or her decide from there.

The barrister does not have to agree, approve or condone the client's behaviour in any way shape or form, and therefore requires some kind of emotional detachment from the job he or she is doing. The way I see it, there's no "defence" or "prosecution"; it's about representing the client, and putting their case forward, as they want it. Even the "good guys" get it wrong. Quite often, from my observations.

Could I do it?

Yes. Yes I could.

Which is a bloody good job considering my career choice.

Maybe the title should be changed to "Defending the inexcusable", because it is certainly not excusable.
I'm genuinely interested Leesoh, how easy is it to detach yourself from crime and your feelings towards it. I will never have to but I'm not sure I would be able to.

Would you honestly be able to give you all for a client knowing that they were almost certainly guilty of say sexual abuse against a child?
Same here Gaz.

I don't know how they are able to detach themselves from it either.
I see what Lisa is saying- about how everyone deserves the right to representation and all that, but it must sit uneasily with those defending someone who is guilty of such crimes.
I see the GP got 8 years which is plainly not long enough. But it is nothing like the actual time he will do. He will probably only serve half that and may even be out before 4 years.
A friend of mine who's son was killed by a drink driver was given 5 years. The justice system have moved him to a category D prison and he now has weekend leave. He could be released soon under licence after serving 14 months.
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