Excusing the inexcusable

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Within 14 months of what though? Now? The sentencing?

Anyone who's been sentenced to longer than 4 years can apply for parole, releasing them halfway through their sentence. If this guy's been sentenced to 5 years, he's not entitled to be released before 2.5 years, not 14 months, unless he's served 16 months on remand; this is beyond the custody time limits, which is 112 days for committal to Crown Court for trial, 70 days if he pleaded guilty. Although this can be extended with permission of the Court, 16 months is taking the piss.

Further, if he is paroled, he's released on licence. There will be conditions attached, one of which will be if he commits another offence within a specified period (usually the time left to run), he will sent back to prison and will have to serve the remaining 2.5 years.

He was not on remand and was sentenced in April 2010. The family concerned have been informed that he could be released soon, how soon I don't know. No doubt on licence and possibly wearing a tag.
In my eyes, anybody that willingly goes out drinking with the full intention of driving whilst under the influence and then causes death by drinking and driving should be treated as the murderer they are.

Judicial system is too fecking soft in this country.

Thanks for that I quite agree, unlike some on here. I thanks to Leesoh aswell.
Thanks for that I quite agree, unlike some on here. I thanks to Leesoh aswell.

With what do you agree? That drink-drivers that kill should be treated as murderers? Or that the justice system is too soft? Or both?

Who is it who disagrees with you? I can see no evidence that anybody has expressed an opposite opinion to that here.

You appear to have got your knickers in a twist. Perhaps you should go and lie down for a while.
I think he means you.

Obvious innit, that from what you've posted means you think drink drivers should get let off with a caution.....


Be careful. Longcliffe has already proved that he doesn't understand irony.
He was not on remand and was sentenced in April 2010. The family concerned have been informed that he could be released soon, how soon I don't know. No doubt on licence and possibly wearing a tag.

That doesn't make sense then. If he was sentenced in April 2010, surely his earliest release date is October 2012? Besides, if he's released on parole, he'd still be on licence in any case.

Tagging usually comes with a curfew. Whilst it's better than being inside, break the curfew, and you're back in, so there's still quite a restriction on him.
That doesn't make sense then. If he was sentenced in April 2010, surely his earliest release date is October 2012? Besides, if he's released on parole, he'd still be on licence in any case.

Tagging usually comes with a curfew. Whilst it's better than being inside, break the curfew, and you're back in, so there's still quite a restriction on him.

You obviously know the legal system better than me, but soon after the case the family were warned that the defendant might be released after a year or so. I quite agree with you that at the very minimum he would complete two and a half years, before anything would be decided.
I will see my mate tomorrow and I'll ask what the latest news from the MOJ.
Thanks for showing an interest. I also have a question for you, can I PM you?
With what do you agree? That drink-drivers that kill should be treated as murderers? Or that the justice system is too soft? Or both?

Who is it who disagrees with you? I can see no evidence that anybody has expressed an opposite opinion to that here.

You appear to have got your knickers in a twist. Perhaps you should go and lie down for a while.

And perhaps you should **** ***!
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