Forum agression, breaking the forum rules and lack of moderator activity

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Well-Known Member
Yet another example this evening of a poster being attacked (in writing!) rather than the post. Or at least that's how I read it as there were no obvious emoticons or exclamation marks in use.

Seems to be more and more of this lately and with no evident signs of reproach maybe eventually this will become the 'norm'.

Would be a shame if that proved to be the case.

Can't we all control ourselves a little folks?

I know, I know. This post is just begging for a '**** off you ****' type response!
I guess you mean me, apologies if you were offended by it. I would have liked to have used the head banging icon if I knew how to locate it on Tapatalk.

I agree it's perhaps not the best approach but I'm equally as fed up with the amount of shite you have to read on here from the likes of superscrote etc. Thought I'd blocked them to be honest but not sure if that works on the phone.
Please can people report posts that they think need to be dealt with by moderators.

I don't read every thread (and I'm sure the other mods are the same), and the one I think Spion is referring to is on my ignore list.

If people report it we can deal with it, if you don't report it, don't assume we know about it and are just ignoring it.
If people report it we can deal with it, if you don't report it, don't assume we know about it and are just ignoring it.

And please, please, please support the mods when they do take action. We are only trying to make the forum a more pleasant place to spend a bit of time. And, agreeing with spion, it's more than a little in need of it at the moment.
I guess you mean me, apologies if you were offended by it. I would have liked to have used the head banging icon if I knew how to locate it on Tapatalk.

Yours was the one I meant, but please don't take this as having a go at you pds :056:. I just meant that there was a lot more of this sort of thing recently.

Personally it doesn't offend me, there is certainly no need for you to apologise, but it does strike me that the more it happens the more it will become almost acceptable.

Perhaps it is time that we made sure we self regulate and don't end up like the plot-line for a modern day 'Lord of the Flies' :icon_wink
Please can people report posts that they think need to be dealt with by moderators.

I don't read every thread (and I'm sure the other mods are the same), and the one I think Spion is referring to is on my ignore list.

If people report it we can deal with it, if you don't report it, don't assume we know about it and are just ignoring it.

Jeff, I didn't report it because I personally wasn't offended and I didn't want to 'have a go' at the poster who I don't have any problem with at all.

I'm just trying to make a general point here in the hope that we can all be a little more tolerant of each other and police ourselves without the need for a mod to step in.
Threads like this are absolutely no fun for the spectator unless we can see the offending post.

If a post has been judged to be offensive, it would hardly be good practice to leave it in situ to offend others.
If a post has been judged to be offensive, it would hardly be good practice to leave it in situ to offend others.

Agreed. But maybe it should be moved to a thread of its own simply for the entertainment of others.

Of course, this is not an entirely practical or serious suggestion.
So that we can judge how offensive it was, could someone please put it on a scale from one to Macky?
I also need to know whether pds was acting like a ****, or if he was driven to it by other ****s.

Until then, it's guilty until proven innocent.
I also need to know whether pds was acting like a ****, or if he was driven to it by other ****s.

Until then, it's guilty until proven innocent.

I said a nasty word
Nothing more than that!
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How are those of us who have been out meant to feel part of it? We want blood!!
I'll have you know that I've been very active this evening.:icon_bigg But no, I'm not telling you ........... I don't think it broke any forum rules or was aggressive though.
If a post has been judged to be offensive, it would hardly be good practice to leave it in situ to offend others.

It depends whether something is just offensive in general, or abusive to a particular forum member.

Sometimes I don't delete them, but only if the person being abused doesn't mind.
If someone's behaving like a twat it can be more of a punishment to leave the post there for everyone to see.
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