Forum agression, breaking the forum rules and lack of moderator activity

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What a bunch of tarts! Crying over a few naughty words!

FFS you hear more moaning and swearing at any given match, you soft bunch of tarts!
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If someone calls you a c@nt call them a c@nt back. Until someone can stick one on you over the internet what's the big deal?
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There also seems to be some confusing over what is "banter" and what is forum agression. I have tried in the past to intervene only to be told that it is just a bit of banter so why does a Mod need to get involved. :102:
There also seems to be some confusing over what is "banter" and what is forum agression. I have tried in the past to intervene only to be told that it is just a bit of banter so why does a Mod need to get involved. :102:

Unecessary aggression/language kills of discussions and puts people off of posting. I would've thought that Mods would act in the best interests of the forum rather than just letting things slip.
It hardly makes good reading for the rest of us.

Some people thought that Macky's post was hilarious. All Melton Fox ever did was call people C@nts and lots of people loved him.
Personally I can take it or leave it, if I find a thread boring I skip it.
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Unecessary aggression/language kills of discussions and puts people off of posting. I would've thought that Mods would act in the best interests of the forum rather than just letting things slip.

Agree with that and have said something similar myself. How does one define "the best interests of the forum"? :102:
Does posturing for effect equal aggression? :102: How does one define aggression in the context of this forum? :102:
I hope all of the mods have taken this thread on board....
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