Forum software update

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Have you clicked on the link in my post -which now works, or the one you quoted, which is still wrong?
Sorry, my mistake.

But I think swearing is the most important thing I do, I need it back. and as you never mentioned in your not-to-do list, I thought I should point it out.

A little shameless in the past, thats upset me.

I don't like the "latest threads" box on the right that causes the actual reading area to be shrunk in width.
I don't like the "latest threads" box on the right that causes the actual reading area to be shrunk in width.

It's OK on my widescreen laptop but a pita on my more orthodox desktop machine.
It's OK on my widescreen laptop but a pita on my more orthodox desktop machine.
I'm using a widescreen laptop too and it's still annoying because of the big white strip down the r/h side.
I'm using a widescreen laptop too and it's still annoying because of the big white strip down the r/h side.

Don't misunderstand me. When I say it is OK, that is exactly what I mean. OK, as in 'I can cope with it' - not OK, as in 'I love it and can't do without it'. TBH I can't see any use for it and it is one of the several things that I would get rid of from the new version of the forum.

It does make me wonder what motivation there is for Jeff to spend his time (and probably money) updating to a new version which quite honestly seems to offer nothing better than the old one.
I shall return to TB once this ghastly 'thing' on the side has been removed.
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What do people think of the following new features?

Picture albums is it really necessary??

Social groups ditto

Friends lists ditto

Thread prefixes i like these :)

Tags ??

Public messaging dont see the point in it tbh

Profile customisation aye not bad

dont like the latest thread list on the right either, can someone explain this 'on a distinguished road' malarkey :102:
I think Webbie is doing a top job. :icon_bigg :038: That said, I am not a big fan of this style layout. :icon_wink
dont like the latest thread list on the right either, can someone explain this 'on a distinguished road' malarkey :102:
I had this discussion with mg yesterday.

None of the things you highlight are necessary, Talking Balls isn't necessary, the Internet isn't necessary and electricity isn't necessary.

If we were to only include the necesseties on our life, we'd just have shelter, food and drink.

Necessary is dull, what's wrong with wants and desires?
Whynot get a shoutbox on the forum so people can chat?


(download link halfway down the page)

1. Install the shoutbox, it's very easy.
2. Then create the template called "adv_portal_shout"
3. Contents of the template:
<td class="$bgclass">
<IFRAME SRC="http://localhost/shout/inc_form.php" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=500 frameborder="0" scrolling="yes">
4. Change the path (in blue) to where you have it installed.
5. Then make new module using the new template.
You can put it anywhere, but the side panel is favourite.

I am sure you already know how to do it though Jeff :icon_bigg
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