I think that regardless of what they do, like in many other cases the trust is screwed on this. Having always had a no editing policy in the past if they now try to censor/edit this report they get slated yet again for trying to force their views across.
Because they've tried to be open and stuck to that policy, some on here seem to be accusing them of secretly condoning what many have rightly or wrongly taken to be an anti-MM stance by the writer.
If I could be arsed to read back on the reams of posts slagging the trust off since the buy out started I suspect that many of the same posters are going to appear with their trust bashing heads on.
My view for what its worth is that if the trust want to appear as professional and credible then as Jeff says they should have refused to put that report up until the writer had changed it so that it wasn't as ill considered as it is. If he refused then they should have put out a statement stating that there was no report available for that match as the one written may of coursed offence.
They'd still have got grief for changing their policy on censorship but they would have been able to hold the moral high ground. As it is they seem to have shot themselves in the foot again.