You are totally correct in your feeling. But the important thing to remember is that this was money raised by the fans, not by the Trust. The money was donated to the rescue of the club and channelled through the only viable avenue. The money belongs to the club - not to the Trust.QUOTE]
While there is no doubt that fans put money in to save the club, the bucket collections which any fan could contribute to only raised about 10% of the initial funds raised, the vast majority of money came from Trust members in terms of membership fees & their donations.
Additional money as raised mainly through Trust board members efforts in organising raffles & events, plus the many calls to businesses that were made to donate items for prizes or say office equipment.
That money was raised to ensure the club existed, any money being returned now, does not need to be re-invested in the club at this time, as the clubs future is not in doubt, but it could be at the time Milan decides to leave, therefore there is more logic to keeping the money as we don't know what the status of the club will be at that time. This is something we will consult members about at our AGM