FT No More

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Can someone please tell me how many members the trust now has.

They won't tell me.

whats this obsession with people today, how come you dont ask cliffys gang or lances lot the same question, as i see it at least this mob attempt to answer questions don't here a peep out the others
whats this obsession with people today, how come you dont ask cliffys gang or lances lot the same question, as i see it at least this mob attempt to answer questions don't here a peep out the others

Ermm, not sure how you know who I have and haven't asked what.

There's a world of difference too between attempting to answer (some) questions and being representative of a majority of people. By being the organisation that they are, they are open to questioning and critical debate. It's the nature of the beast.

If they recoil at the simplest of questions, what confidence does it give to those who have a genuine interest in their activities?
We have provided details of our activity to our membership via newsletters and the fan base via articles in each edition of the Fox Fanzine and website articles throughout our existance.

The current series of articles is aimed at giving a brief summary of what has been achieved & then look to the future giving an assessment on how the original declared objectives can now be pursued.
Would someone please let me know why the FT deserve this constant criticism please? Genuinely, I think I'm missing something.
Would someone please let me know why the FT deserve this constant criticism please? Genuinely, I think I'm missing something.
Me too alex
I think the FT are open to criticism as are any organisation that claims to represent a whole bunch of people of whom all have an opinion. Especially football as it's so passionate.

However, there is no excuse for abuse, and TBH, I'm very surprised the FT have stuck around for so long on forums like this.

I'm sure there are intelligent posters on here who are brave enough and sensible enough to have genuine gripes with the FT and I'm sure they address them in the proper manner and through the proper channells as well as here on TB.

However, I'm sure there are also just as many Bandwagon Boys who think it's ace to abuse the trust.

They don't represent me, and I doubt they ever will. Therefore I take no offence at their genuine love for the club.
I think alot of it stems from the often patronising posts made by the FT. Perhaps it would be better if whichever member of the FT it is posting thought about his/her post first instead of antagonising people.
I do not believe the FT have been offensive, but some of the writing has appeared patronising perhaps? Still not an excuse IMO. If we have grievances with this organisation, I suggest getting in touch with any of the trust members, whom I have always found polite, intelligent and helpful. They have our club's interests at heart after all. Get involved and make changes, don't be a coward and throw insults in this manner.
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9/11 was an inside job & the Foxes Trust is really the Illuminati
I do not believe the FT have been offensive, but some of the writing has appeared patronising perhaps? Still not an excuse IMO. If we have grievances with this organisation, I suggest getting in touch with any of the trust members, whom I have always found polite, intelligent and helpful. They have our club's interests at heart after all. Get involved and make changes, don't be a coward and throw insults in this manner.

Alex I am sure that as with most organisations the Trust does have it's fair share of polite, intelligent and helpful people. My own problem stems from an experience with a senior member who was none of the above and was by his own admittance "loving" being close to the board and as he said "getting what I can from it".

For him it was purely and unashamedly an ego trip on the back of money donated by many fans who wanted to help save the club. They may well have the clubs interests at heart but like you and I they do not speak on behalf of everyone nor should they talk as though they do.
I have found Bason to be an absolute arse.

Why is that Disco Bob, it is because when you wanted to do the media role for Trust that you found it that you had to consult other board members & just couldn't say what you alone thought was right?
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