Giving up smoking....

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I smoke 30 a day, I can afford it, have no intention of giving up, don't care if it kills me, I don't want to live forever, although it does piss me off when I hear people say they want to give up but can't. Then again, ex smokers piss me off with their shitty comments about how everyone else should give up because they have !
I smoke 30 a day, I can afford it, have no intention of giving up, don't care if it kills me, I don't want to live forever

I'm a similar age to you. I gave up 8 years ago and I want to see my kids grow up and I want to see my grandkids grow up too.

I reckon I have a better chance now I am free of the evil weed.
I smoke 30 a day, I can afford it, have no intention of giving up, don't care if it kills me, I don't want to live forever, although it does piss me off when I hear people say they want to give up but can't. Then again, ex smokers piss me off with their shitty comments about how everyone else should give up because they have !

As an ex smoker, I could not care less if other people carried on smoking. I only care about myself and close family But I get very irritated when I listen to people moaning about how they CANNOT give up.
TBH if people want to carry on smoking its up to them and I for one will never lose any sleep over hearing someone has cancer of this that and the other and can only breathe through a tube stuck into their body, or find it hard to walk without gasping for air, and this all through smoking. As they would have said years before " I don't care if it kills me"

And as Spion says, if you have kids or grandchildren he is giving himself a better chance of seeing them grow up.
it's easy to give up, but easy to start again
unless you have a reason to give up, you're not likely to
i smoke, i have kids, and they're annoying little fcukers, i wanna die, soon as, please:021:
As an ex smoker, I could not care less if other people carried on smoking. I only care about myself and close family But I get very irritated when I listen to people moaning about how they CANNOT give up.
TBH if people want to carry on smoking its up to them and I for one will never lose any sleep over hearing someone has cancer of this that and the other and can only breathe through a tube stuck into their body, or find it hard to walk without gasping for air, and this all through smoking. As they would have said years before " I don't care if it kills me"

And as Spion says, if you have kids or grandchildren he is giving himself a better chance of seeing them grow up.

Not got the worry of kids. As for treatment for cancer, I've already told people I don't want any. Although I will say, all the smokers in my family have lived to be in their 90's ... all the non smokers have died of cancer of the intestine. Only exception my old dear. Died due to alchohol in her 40's.
Wrong thread :icon_roll

Or Lambert and Butler if I'm going to treat myself but theres nothing more satisfying than a No.6 first thing in the morning
On the question of smoking if people want to do it and the smoke etc is effecting nobody else then let them get on with it.Far too many Do-goooders sticking their beaks in everyone else lives,fecking busy bodies
Or Lambert and Butler if I'm going to treat myself but theres nothing more satisfying than a No.6 first thing in the morning
On the question of smoking if people want to do it and the smoke etc is effecting nobody else then let them get on with it.Far too many Do-goooders sticking their beaks in everyone else lives,fecking busy bodies
Indeed :038:
I seem to remember an almost identical thread may be 18 months - 2 years ago :102:

I have given up smoking. I wished I had never started. However, there were times and places when a smoke was just the perfect thing to do and I wonder what I would have done at the time if not have that fag. In the end giving up was easy because I had the perfect reason. I'm glad I stopped but sort of glad I smoked as well.

I do miss a smoke, not at the obvious times like the pub of after dinner, or even after rampant and totally fufilling sex but when I'm fishing or sitting on a log when walking the dog etc. That Condor moment :033:
I seem to remember an almost identical thread may be 18 months - 2 years ago :102:

I have given up smoking. I wished I had never started. However, there were times and places when a smoke was just the perfect thing to do and I wonder what I would have done at the time if not have that fag. In the end giving up was easy because I had the perfect reason. I'm glad I stopped but sort of glad I smoked as well.

I do miss a smoke, not at the obvious times like the pub of after dinner, or even after rampant and totally fufilling sex but when I'm fishing or sitting on a log when walking the dog etc. That Condor moment :033:

No man should be deprieved a smoke after sex.

Anyway, 6 a year aint gonna kill ya Chuck :icon_wink
I enjoy talking current affairs after sex...I seem to remeber last time we discuseed The Falklands War
It doesn't count if you're by yourself.....
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