Giving up smoking....

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no not at all. If you don't approve **** off

Well what is the point of the thread?

So far there has been no constructive posts in here from yourself, it has just been a rant.

If you had explained how you quit smoking or offered some general advice as of how to do so then the thread would hold some validity. As has been posted already, smoking is an addiction and addicts require some sort of help or motivation in order to beat their addiction, whatever it may be.

Resulting to childish swearing really does just highlight that there was little or no point in the thread apart from you trying to show how you are so much better than your 'average Joe'.
The mother-in-law smoked 40 a day for over 30yrs, and made several half hearted attempts to pack up which always resulted in failure. Just over a year ago she finally succeded to my amazement. The weeks rolled into months and i was sure she had cracked it:icon_roll. I actually thought that she would be the last person on earth to kick the habit. Sadly about two weeks ago Mrs BB commented ' did you notice my mam had a fag in her hand':icon_conf I have since heard all the old excuses, its only 5 a day,a bit of stress, her best pal smokes like a trooper which dosent help her.
I'm sorry, its nobody elses fault its your own willpower at the end of the day.

exactly, its down to willpower, and how weak you are. When people used to offer me a fag when they knew I had given up, thinking they were being funny, I used to take one then crush it up. They stopped offering after a time.
I looked at my yellow fingers one day, the last day of September and said thats enough, no more after today. Never had one since. One day I smoked 4 packs and the next nothing and everyday since.
Well what is the point of the thread?

So far there has been no constructive posts in here from yourself, it has just been a rant.

If you had explained how you quit smoking or offered some general advice as of how to do so then the thread would hold some validity. As has been posted already, smoking is an addiction and addicts require some sort of help or motivation in order to beat their addiction, whatever it may be.

Resulting to childish swearing really does just highlight that there was little or no point in the thread apart from you trying to show how you are so much better than your 'average Joe'.

I offer no advise, I was given none nor did I want any. So I will say again if you dont like the thread **** off.
Resulting to childish swearing really does just highlight that there was little or no point in the thread apart from you trying to show how you are so much better than your 'average Joe'.

I didn't read this part of your post. What a stupid comment to make. I wasn't saying if I am better than others, just that I get sick of hearing moaners going on about not being able to stop smoking. They hide behind the term "addicted" so if they think they are addicted then its OK if they fail to stop on their half hearted attempts.

Again if you don't want to read the thread, **** off!
It is impossible to give it up!

Complete crap! I gave up 8 years ago and haven't looked back. Set a date to give up, get yourself some patches, change your lifestyle to avoid key times when you would smoke and apply yourself to it. If you want to do it, then you can.
Well what is the point of the thread?

So far there has been no constructive posts in here from yourself, it has just been a rant.

If you had explained how you quit smoking or offered some general advice as of how to do so then the thread would hold some validity. As has been posted already, smoking is an addiction and addicts require some sort of help or motivation in order to beat their addiction, whatever it may be.

Resulting to childish swearing really does just highlight that there was little or no point in the thread apart from you trying to show how you are so much better than your 'average Joe'.

That's patently ridiculous. We all know there's nothing average about Joe.
Apart from health, I gave up for two reasons, to get the sense of taste back and to stop smelling of stale smoke.

I've been smober* for 8 years now and once it was out of my system I started to notice just how repulsive the smell of a smoker actually is. When I think that I used to smell like that it's a wonder I ever had any freinds let alone a wife or kids etc.

* anyone who has had support from AS3** will know all about being 'smober'. Play on words, non-smoking version of sober.

I'm going to stay now just to piss you and him off.Why did he not put it in the People Who Piss You off Thread ?

you still here?....:icon_bigg

I have had a bad day, had to suffer a client moaning for England about not being able to give up. I would love to kick the shit out of someone, that would make me feel a lot better
you still here?....:icon_bigg

I have had a bad day, had to suffer a client moaning for England about not being able to give up. I would love to kick the shit out of someone, that would make me feel a lot better
You want me to DHL you one of the little foreigners I have in my attic?
Mind you since i stopped i have put on 3 stone
Not that you'd notice....

I smoked for years and heavily, I gave up no problems at all. I think you will find MK did as well.
But you do have to be ready. 2 years, 1 month and 6 days. The thought of a smoke is much better than actually having one.
That said, I had a feck off big cigar on new year's eve and it was fecking lovely!
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