New Member
It's actually sad that you've been taken in by the IPCC report. That report was done by approx 2500 scientists. When the US was asked to sign the Kyoto agreement 17000 scientists signed a petition to stop the US signing. 8000 of those scientists work in the areas of marine life, air quality etc etc, and also NASA. They point to the fact that climate change is a natural phenomenom, the ice age for starters, then the 800's ad when the ice melted and Greenland was first populated.
There are also many ways of solving the problem of CO2 emisions. In the 1970's a German company first invented a conversion kit for diesel engines so that they could run on recycled vegtable oil, yet this is not promoted by any government. This conversion kit is now easily obtainable.
In the last few days certain groups have now begun protesting about the use of vegtable oil to run vehicles, this was after a plane flew from the UK to europe using a substitute fuel. They are now complaining that using vegetable oil will increase food prices, yet they don't mention recycled vegetable oil. These people want it both ways and wont be happy until we're all back on push bikes.
Don't be taken in by the IPCC report, it was constructed by hand picked scientists, where as the petition against the US signing the Kyoto agreement was done by choice.
Don't be taken in by 1000's of measurements of Arctic and Antarctic polar ice showing exponential increase in atmospheric GHG's which have been peer reviewed in Nature and the New Scientist? What interest do the UN have in "scare mongering". Trust the most polluting nation on Earth and 1000's of scientists who work for the likes of Amoco and Connoco Phillips? I know who I see as more impartial.
I'm with Hector on this one, not that anyone probably doubted that.
Its real, its caused by humans, we need to minimise the effects and adapt.