good & bad news

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homer said:
So where's the good news ?????
lol. :lol: :lol: Though it is a bit like gallows humour. :P :wink:
Tom W said:
Adams is in talks with Dublin.

One for the future ay... Fantastic :evil: Love how Micky says on the OS 'I don't usually talk about players I'm interested in...' (except when ST's aren't selling and the board have told me to say something positive).

The Mercury are also linking us with Jody Morris :?
I'd take Morris I really would. It has shown that he wants to play football by going to Rotherham, he's apparently worked really hard with them. Obviously everyone is expecting him to fail and we have taken risks on players like this before, but there is no doubt he is quality and with age on his side he's a gamble i'd take every day.
I don't like the sound of all of this. :( :( I hope I am wrong. :? :?
Steven said:
I don't like the sound of all of this. :( :( I hope I am wrong. :? :?

Would you sign Morris? I would.

Novo, Bridges, Partridge, Morris, Hughes and Harley
Malf said:
I'd take Morris I really would. It has shown that he wants to play football by going to Rotherham, he's apparently worked really hard with them. Obviously everyone is expecting him to fail and we have taken risks on players like this before, but there is no doubt he is quality and with age on his side he's a gamble i'd take every day.

All me mates say hes been excellent when he joined, hes never impressed me but hey, Rov Rum fans word's final.
You're right about Dublin I reckon lads. Ferdinand was a disaster for us last season, Dublin would be more of the same, especially at division 1 level. Just like Deano was aswell, what a waste of space these old strikers are for us.
What are you talking about ?

Dion Dublin is no Les Ferdinand, and never has been
Tom W said:
You're right about Dublin I reckon lads. Ferdinand was a disaster for us last season, Dublin would be more of the same, especially at division 1 level. Just like Deano was aswell, what a waste of space these old strikers are for us.

But we don't want Ferdinand and Dublin upfront together, not when Adams promised he was going to re-build his squad with young and vibrant players. If ferdy doesn't come back to us then yes I would be keen for us to sign a striker with experience, but Dublin and Ferdinand upfront together will never work
Ricey said:
I would happily take Dublin next season! I just don't want Micky to build a squad of 30+ players again. We do need to sign 1 or 2 veterans because we do need experience but we also need youth!

I just hope Micky learnt his lesson after last season.

There is no doubt we need one or two experienced players, but in the right areas. We need two new strikers and aslong as we definately get two then i'd be happy for Dublin to be one of them.

Dublin & Bridges or Dublin & Novo

It's just Dublin and Ferdy doesn't add up to Adams new youth policy
Tom W said:
You're right about Dublin I reckon lads. Ferdinand was a disaster for us last season, Dublin would be more of the same, especially at division 1 level. Just like Deano was aswell, what a waste of space these old strikers are for us.

I would take Dublin on a one year contract only. Remember we let Deane go after he helped us go up and Dublin is only as useful as Deane in this situation. Ferdinand has always had more class than either of the other two but is also not a long term option. Either way none of them would be useful if we got back into the PL.

If this is MA's vision for the future then I think he needs to get down to the opticians pretty sharpish. :roll:
Steven said:
Tom W said:
You're right about Dublin I reckon lads. Ferdinand was a disaster for us last season, Dublin would be more of the same, especially at division 1 level. Just like Deano was aswell, what a waste of space these old strikers are for us.

I would take Dublin on a one year contract only. Remember we let Deane go after he helped us go up and Dublin is only as useful as Deane in this situation. Ferdinand has always had more class than either of the other two but is also not a long term option. Either way none of them would be useful if we got back into the PL.

If this is MA's vision for the future then I think he needs to get down to the opticians pretty sharpish. :roll:

Stevo mate, Adams knows the score. He's in talks with numerous players, he's not going to issue the names of all these players as it would alert other clubs. He obviosuly needs to tell the fans some news with the season tickets, etc. I would imagine Adams wouldn't suddenly change his re-building plan, nothing has happened for him to do this. He will always need some experience.
Ferdinand won't be playing for us again lads, need to accept it. We need one big man up front, we need to play hoof ball to get promoted again, and Dublin is better than Deano was and he did a great job for us.

You'd rather Tommy Wright, Lee Morris, James Scowcroft & Trevor Benjamin were our strikers than Dublin? :?
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