Hot or Not - Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, would you?

  • Hell no, the bint is as bad as they come.

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Hell yes, I love a woman with balls of steel.

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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As for Ms Palin I'd(and I'm guessing you lot as well) never heard of her a fortnight ago and yet I've read in this thread that she's a vile,bible bashing creationist, racist, gun toting Nazi who is forcing her daughter into marriage against her will.

Just as well none of you lot are judgemental like her eh.

She is a vile, Bible bashing creationist, racist, gun toting Nazi.
What does it matter when I formed that opinion of her?
It's based on fact and I make no apologies for judging her based on those facts.
She is a vile, Bible bashing creationist, racist, gun toting Nazi.
What does it matter when I formed that opinion of her?
It's based on fact and I make no apologies for judging her based on those facts.

As far as I'm aware she is in favour of allowing schools to teach creationism along side Darwinism. That doesn't prove she believes in it, maybe she does, I don't know but sometimes politicians have to go along with the consensus.

As for being racist I've not heard/read anything to suggest that.
As far as I'm aware she is in favour of allowing schools to teach creationism along side Darwinism. That doesn't prove she believes in it, maybe she does, I don't know but sometimes politicians have to go along with the consensus.

Teaching religious fantasy as a science is not the consensus.
If she was a rational human being who could see that intelligent design and creationism is complete & utter nonsense, why on Earth would she want it taught to children in a science classroom?

Advocating the teaching of the controversy between the scientific & the supernatural origin of the world is a standard Creationist tactic to get their gibberish into the classroom, polluting children's minds.

As for being racist I've not heard/read anything to suggest that.

Have you not? I've read several articles about it, that was the basis of forming my opinion on her.
Calling Barack Obama 'the Sambo' and describing Alaskan Inuits as 'Artic Arabs' sounds like the thought processes of a racist to me. I could be wrong though.
Teaching religious fantasy as a science is not the consensus.
If she was a rational human being who could see that intelligent design and creationism is complete & utter nonsense, why on Earth would she want it taught to children in a science classroom?

Advocating the teaching of the controversy between the scientific & the supernatural origin of the world is a standard Creationist tactic to get their gibberish into the classroom, polluting children's minds.

Have you not? I've read several articles about it, that was the basis of forming my opinion on her.
Calling Barack Obama 'the Sambo' and describing Alaskan Inuits as 'Artic Arabs' sounds like the thought processes of a racist to me. I could be wrong though.

she is a republican course she is racist.
Teaching religious fantasy as a science is not the consensus.
If she was a rational human being who could see that intelligent design and creationism is complete & utter nonsense, why on Earth would she want it taught to children in a science classroom?

Advocating the teaching of the controversy between the scientific & the supernatural origin of the world is a standard Creationist tactic to get their gibberish into the classroom, polluting children's minds.

Fancy allowing people to have an alternative view to yours she must be a Nazi.

In a truly democratic society every opinion you disagreed with would be banned.

Have you not? I've read several articles about it, that was the basis of forming my opinion on her.
Calling Barack Obama 'the Sambo' and describing Alaskan Inuits as 'Artic Arabs' sounds like the thought processes of a racist to me. I could be wrong though.

If any politician of any party anywhere in the world called anyone a sambo I think it would be headline news, and yet I've not heard that. You'll have to forgive me if I'm slightly doubtful on that.
As for Artic Arabs it all depends on context, I'm guessing it has something to do with all the oil in Alaska and not meant in a derogatory way at all.
she is a republican course she is racist.
Like these you mean?

Fancy allowing people to have an alternative view to yours she must be a Nazi.

In a truly democratic society every opinion you disagreed with would be banned.

If any politician of any party anywhere in the world called anyone a sambo I think it would be headline news, and yet I've not heard that. You'll have to forgive me if I'm slightly doubtful on that.
As for Artic Arabs it all depends on context, I'm guessing it has something to do with all the oil in Alaska and not meant in a derogatory way at all.
Fancy allowing people to have an alternative view to yours she must be a Nazi.

In a truly democratic society every opinion you disagreed with would be banned.

Truly, an incredible response Major.
It is nothing to do with having an 'alternative view', it's teaching supernatural, unprovable, untestable gibberish as a science that I have a problem with.
Perhaps we should start teaching about Hercules and Zeus in history lessons?

If any politician of any party anywhere in the world called anyone a sambo I think it would be headline news, and yet I've not heard that. You'll have to forgive me if I'm slightly doubtful on that.
As for Artic Arabs it all depends on context, I'm guessing it has something to do with all the oil in Alaska and not meant in a derogatory way at all.

I really didn't have you down as naive Major, I'm not so sure now.
Truly, an incredible response Major.
It is nothing to do with having an 'alternative view', it's teaching supernatural, unprovable, untestable gibberish as a science that I have a problem with.
Perhaps we should start teaching about Hercules and Zeus in history lessons?

Do I believe in creationism? No.
Do I think there is a god.?Very much doubt it.
Do I think in a democracy that parents have a right to have their children taught what they believe?Absolutely.

I really didn't have you down as naive Major, I'm not so sure now.

You believe an anonymous source in a political blog with who knows what axe to grind. Hmm:102:
I haven't heard the word "Sambo" for years.

I let out a little chuckle.
Do I think in a democracy that parents have a right to have their children taught what they believe?Absolutely.

But that isn't the point. Creationist believe, and actively campaign for, all children, in all schools should be taught their dangerous dogma and that it should be funded by the state.

But, if I were to be pushed on your point, I believe that in a democracy religious views have absolutely no place in any school. Poisoning young minds with such views is a danger to the population as a whole.

You believe an anonymous source in a political blog with who knows what axe to grind. Hmm:102:

No. I read numerous sources, the internet is awash with stories about her.
well, on the one show this evening, sir cliff richard said that he backed her all the way. So she must be a very nice lady.........
She is a vile, Bible bashing creationist, racist, gun toting Nazi.
What does it matter when I formed that opinion of her?
It's based on fact and I make no apologies for judging her based on those facts.
Nail on the head, Mr Macky.

Don't forget, she's also anti-abortion in a BIG way. So therefore, she presumably hates women....? Evil, nasty pice of work IMO.

If McCain gets in and promptly keels over, I shudder to think of the damage this woman could do. It's been bad enough having that tit Bush in the hot seat - I think Palin is even more right wing and could be even worse.

Disgusting people...... ugh!!! :098:
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