HEY hey! yeah!
But you got the memes, and you always did.
I could go silly on Baudrillard, and Derrrida, and Foucault, and Luce Iregaray, because I read/write French fluently, but is this the time and place, or the context?
Wanna fight on pop culture, and post-modernism? Or on existentialism and Sartre and Camus? And NF Simpson and the Theatre of the Absurd?
FFS I got two first class degrees in this stuff. And bearing that in mind - and the fact that I can do Derrida (did you know what he meant by difference?) in his own langue ?
I ain't fussed, either way.
I'm playing stoopid, as I've discovered it's the only way to play it.
Women ain't got no choice, especially if they're 'clever'.
We are pathetic.That's how you want to see us. Let's play the game.