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That's a bizarre name, and use, for your hole ozman.
Takes all sorts I s'pose

Sometimes you can be incredibly anal Macky. :icon_roll

Numbers should be divined from the cosmos. what do they teach at school these days.
He'll be knocked straight back down the order when Another Striker comes in. I would perosnally extend John's loan. He's the best striker we have atm, whether he's been hitting the net or not.

The problem i have with Hume is that he doesn't seem to fit into a 442 formation. If you have a big guy little guy partenship up front you need the little guy as a proacher, and right up there getting on the end of knock downs and getting you 10-20 goals a season. Because of the way he plays thats never going to be Hume.

I do think the guys got a bit of talent and works hard. Is he the striker to get us out of the division? IMO no, he's part of a team thats been rubbish for a year and a half. And like everyone in that team they are all for sale at the right price.

Saying that...i don't think MM or IH will sell him this transfer window unless for a hugely inflated sum. If no other reason than because of how a lot of the fans idolise him.
Maybe there's only room for one IH at Leicester?
I think there is some credence in this rumour, Davie Moyes has been linked with Hume since his Tranmere days plus it looks more and more likely that McFadden will leave Goodison Park in January and Hume is a very similar type of player who can operate in a number of attacking positions which would allow Moyes to retain the same balance to his squad.

If we can recieve a decent fee and that money allow Ollie to go out and strengthen the squad and based on the fact that this current bunch have proved they are not good enough as a collective unit to take the club forward then IMO nobody is indepensiable.
Hume is a great player for us, but Everton and Fulham come in for him, i would want him to go before we ruin him as a player like we have done to many, he is out best player at the club and he gives the team alot, but a chance to play top flight football, i wouldnt turn it down unless he wants to stay the club.

Are you for real? I don't give a monkeys what is best for Hume as long as whatever is done is for the best of Leicester City Football Club.

If Ollie wants him he should stay, if not, then he can **** off.
Some think Hume is a greedy git, runs around like a headless chicken, but gets the occasional goal.

And there are others who think his personality stinks and he has no time for the fans........

But as long as he is scoring and performs to the best of his abilities who gives a **** about the rest of it :icon_wink
He wont leave us. He likes it too much here.

I think that if a few extra thousand per week were added to your trust fund distribution you might think differently. :icon_wink
We've got a silly number of non-prolific, physically slight, forwards: Campbell, Fryatt, Chambers, Hume, Hammond, Odihambo, McKay. We also have the young prospect Kee coming through. In the light of this, we need to get rid of some. Hammond goes without saying. The next one after that I'd dump is Hume.

Before his recent scoring spree, he went 3 months without scoring. That's the Hume we see most of the time. He has his little influential moments but they are far too infrequent to justify his place as a main striker. 29 goals in 106 games (with many of those pens) is hardly earth shattering. In midfield, he is well below average.

I think Ollie will want a big man / small man partnership. He's usually had that in the past. Expect him to sign one or two physically strong forwards (maybe Howard?) and ditch some of the midgets.

If we can only play one of the smaller strikers, we can hardly justify keeping them all. Seems a no-brainer to me.
one of the few players I would like to see stay here. He does run around like a headless chicken at times, but the hunger for the game is there and the effort is there and that means that he has something we can work with. Great skill as well and I prefer him used as a supporting striker/attacking midfielder type player.
he'll stay, no-one else calls him HUUUUUUUUME ans he secretly loves it
We've got a silly number of non-prolific, physically slight, forwards: Campbell, Fryatt, Chambers, Hume, Hammond, Odihambo, McKay.

I think Ollie will want a big man / small man partnership. He's usually had that in the past. Expect him to sign one or two physically strong forwards (maybe Howard?) and ditch some of the midgets.

If we can only play one of the smaller strikers, we can hardly justify keeping them all. Seems a no-brainer to me.

Just reading Ollie's book, agree he would want a big guy up front, really wanted Howard at QPR & obviously rates Hayles as signed him twice
He wont leave us. He likes it too much here.

Just the kind of post that make me not enjoy the site as much lately, if you think he will stay for that reason then it must be very nice in fairy land.
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