We may be able to get out of this division with an attractive team but we will not survive in the Prem with one. My gut feeling is that Nigel will get us promotion within the next two or three seasons. He will then need to have a team like O'Neills or like Big Sam did at Bolton to grind out results.
Jimmy Bloomfield's team played with great skill and I enjoyed watching them more than any other Leicester team. However, they won matches because they had three great players (an overused word but in this case true). Shilton, Weller and Worthington play for Leicester today even in the Prem because they would want Champions League football.
Jimmy's team was willing to let the other side play because he believed we could outplay them and he was often right but he never won any thing. It is difficult to believe that Nigel will ever be able to bring in the quality of player who can outplay Arsenal, Man U or Chelsea.
For clubs like Leicester, Bolton, Birmingham etc effectiveness is the key.