If you were God..............

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No myth involved...International Dictionary of the bible...Fact.
Must be true then.
He never created homosexuals. He created man and woman. But he did give us free will. Maybe that was a mistake. He probably should've left the brain out. :icon_roll
That answers the age old "Mummy, where do Christians come from?" question then; there must have been a pre-production run.
That answers the age old "Mummy, where do Christians come from?" question then; there must have been a pre-production run.

There was a pre-production run of sorts. Only Noah and his family survived it. :icon_conf
I've known men who have been married with kids (spoke to two of them during the Gay Mardi Gras) who have turned gay. Don't tell me it wasn't by choice.

ho hum. you get the Darth Vodka yellow card for persistent specious reasoning

if you have met someone who turned gay by *choice* that doesn't prove that all gays did

besides, his *choice* could still have been him doing something he always wanted to do but society didn't let him

the way to test causation and correlation is by extensive double blind testing, not by bloke-down-the-pub type anecdotes

gayness is part genetic, part testosterone levels in the womb. it's perfectly natural and happens in many others species than mankind

if you don't believe it's partly genetic, do the tests, prove current thinking and get yourself a Nobel prize
He never created homosexuals. He created man and woman. But he did give us free will. Maybe that was a mistake. He probably should've left the brain out. :icon_roll

can you prove you have free will?

it's just that it has eluded the greatest philosophers the world has ever known and i'd be interested to see how you know that?
Must be. Unless the team of archaeologists that found it just made it up. :icon_roll

quote us a URL then...

cos i say it's bullshit and the burden of proof is with you
quote us a URL then...

cos i say it's bullshit and the burden of proof is with you

This is the main bit that I want to see.
Just because I'm a nerd, I'm not fussed about this whole Religion debate thing.
quote us a URL then...

cos i say it's bullshit and the burden of proof is with you

If we had proof their would be no need for church and all that gose with it ,the true works of the so said god/christ told man to worship no false ideal
so whats christ on the cross then :102:

plus its said that you need not pray in anyone place it can be done anywhere which is what christ tryed to teach us but yet again money and power took over

i thank you all

ill get my coat now
Just out of interest, how do you guys think the world was created? Big Bang and then survival of the fittest etc?

if you're going to come up with a rival theory to the big bang, you're going to have to explain background radiation and the Hubble shift of stars, which suggest that everything is moving apart and that ages ago, there was some big explosion

the Big Bang itself replaced Steady State Theory... science moves on with new theories to explain evidence, the Big Bang theory is a great fit to evfidence any superceding theory would only tweak the finer points

as for evolution, if you've ever done any gardening or had pets or looked at your children, you will appreciate that children have qualities of both parents and they differ. nature chooses which of these differences is best suited to the world

look at dogs, wolves were domesticated 15000 years ago and in that time of selected breeding we have hundreds of different types of dog. natural selection is the environment picking traits instead of us

oh and let's not fall into the theists' trap of saying evolution is "only a theory" to say that, you misunderstand science, evolution is a theory yes, but one that predicts testable outcomes and has stood strong for 200 years
You're all mental. FACT

And all this horrid argument so close to Santa's birthday :018:
If we had proof their would be no need for church and all that gose with it ,the true works of the so said god/christ told man to worship no false ideal
so whats christ on the cross then :102:

plus its said that you need not pray in anyone place it can be done anywhere which is what christ tryed to teach us but yet again money and power took over

i thank you all

ill get my coat now

i was specifically asking about this Pompeii made up thing
Must be. Unless the team of archaeologists that found it just made it up. :icon_roll

Considering the Bible is one huge fabrication you really ought to be more careful with your :icon_roll smilies.

I'll reiterate the question posed to you - I reckon it is abject bullshit too - prove it.
There was a pre-production run of sorts. Only Noah and his family survived it. :icon_conf

So are you now suggesting that we are all descended from Noah & his incestuous family?

You really haven't thought any of this through have you?
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i was specifically asking about this Pompeii made up thing

Don't be too hard on foxin_oz, if this Pompeii nonsense turns out to be true it only goes to prove that the Bible is full of made up bullshit.
Don't be too hard on foxin_oz, if this Pompeii nonsense turns out to be true it only goes to prove that the Bible is full of made up bullshit.

it's not even in the bible, it's just something he made up

in fact Pompeii was well after the Bible was made up. and FinO never said it was in the bible. he did however say it was "fact"
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it's not even in the bible, it's just something he made up

I know it's not in the Bible but if it is true then the implication is that Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed in the same way as Pompeii, i.e not by God because he was a bit pissed off with the people living there.
At this point I'd like to pour oil on this fire by entering Eric von Daniken's name and theories that ancient civilisations were visited by aliens. Was Jesus in fact an astronaut? After all, the bible says that after the Ressurection, Jesus ascended to heaven on a cloud.

View attachment 2375

it's not even in the bible, it's just something he made up

in fact Pompeii was well after the Bible was made up. and FinO never said it was in the bible. he did however say it was "fact"

found this :102:

Early history

The archaeological digs at the site extend to the street level of the 79 AD volcanic event; deeper digs in older parts of Pompeii and core samples of nearby drillings have exposed layers of jumbled sediment that suggest that the city had suffered from the volcano and other seismic events before then. Three sheets of sediment have been found on top of the lava bedrock that lies below the city and, mixed in with the sediment, archaeologists have found bits of animal bone, pottery shards and plants. Using carbon dating, the oldest layer has been dated to the 8th-6th centuries BC, about the time that the city was founded. The other two layers are separated from the other layers by well-developed soil layers or Roman pavement and were laid in the 4th century BC and 2nd century BC. The theory behind the layers of jumbled sediment is large landslides, perhaps triggered by extended rainfall.[2]
The town was founded around the 7th-6th century BC by the Osci or Oscans, a people of central Italy, on what was an important crossroad between Cumae, Nola and Stabiae. It had already been used as a safe port by Greek and Phoenician sailors. According to Strabo, Pompeii was also captured by the Etruscans, and in fact recent excavations have shown the presence of Etruscan inscriptions and a 6th century necropolis. Pompeii was captured a first time by the Greek colony of Cumae, allied with Syracuse, between 525 and 474 BC.
In the 5th century BC, the Samnites conquered it (and all the other towns of Campania); the new rulers imposed their architecture and enlarged the town. After the Samnite Wars (4th century), Pompeii was forced to accept the status of socium of Rome, maintaining however linguistic and administrative autonomy. In the 4th century BC it was fortified. Pompeii remained faithful to Rome during the Second Punic War.
Pompeii took part in the war that the towns of Campania initiated against Rome, but in 89 BC it was besieged by Sulla. Although the troops of the Social League, headed by Lucius Cluentius, helped in resisting the Romans, in 80 BC Pompeii was forced to surrender after the conquest of Nola. It became a Roman colony with the name of Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum. The town became an important passage for goods that arrived by sea and had to be sent toward Rome or Southern Italy along the nearby Appian Way. Also agriculture, oil and wine production was important.

Some plaster casts of victims of the eruption still in actual Pompeii; many are in the Archaeological Museum of Naples. (Casts can also be found, amongst other places, near the forum, inside the baths, and at the Villa of the Mysteries.)

After thick layers of ash covered the two towns, they were abandoned and eventually their names and locations were forgotten. Then Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1738 by workmen working on the foundation of a summer palace for the King of Naples, Charles of Bourbon, and Pompeii in 1748.[citation needed] These towns have since been excavated to reveal many intact buildings and wall paintings. The towns were actually found in 1599 by an architect named Fontana, who was digging a new course for the river Sarno, but it took more than 150 years before a serious campaign was started to unearth them.[citation needed] The king, Charles VII of Two Sicilies, took great interest in findings even after becoming king of Spain.[citation needed]
Karl Weber directed the first real excavations[3] and he was followed in 1764 by the military engineer, Franscisco la Vega. Franscisco la Vega was succeeded by his brother, Pietro, in 1804.[4] During the French occupation Pietro worked with Christophe Saliceti.[5]
Giuseppe Fiorelli took charge of the excavations in 1860. During early excavations of the site, occasional voids in the ash layer had been found that contained human remains. It was Fiorelli who realised these were spaces left by the decomposed bodies and so devised the technique of injecting plaster into them to perfectly recreate the forms of Vesuvius's victims. What resulted were highly accurate and eerie forms of the doomed Pompeiani who failed to escape, in their last moment of life, with the expression of terror often quite clearly visible (see [3], [4], [5]).
Some have theorized that Fontana found some of the famous erotic frescoes and, due to the strict modesty prevalent during his time, reburied them in an attempt at archaeological censorship. This view is bolstered by reports of later excavators who felt that sites they were working on had already been visited and reburied. A detailed discussion of the erotic art of Pompeii, with pictures, can be found in a separate article.
so just to recap, the unanswered questions for foxin_oz are:-

1) this Pompeii thing is bullshit. prove it, even a nutter religous website, but a respectable one would be better (Darth Vodka & Disco Bob)

2) how do you know you have free will? (DV)

3) are we all decended from Noah's family? (Macky)

4) where did Cain's wife come from if everyone cam from Adam & Eve? (DV)
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