Intruder killed

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It was reported that friends and relatives of the deceaswd are leaving flowers and tributes outside the house that was being robbed. He was well thought of in the community it reckoned.

Bit weird for the family being robbed to see those.
IMHO, The more of these scrotes that get killed, the better.
Alas, what I can see happening is the shitebags going in with guns instead of knives.

As for what "you" would do in that situation, no one really knows until it happens.
If someone threatened your family, you may want to chase the shitebag down the street and pummel his lowlife head in with a cricket bat, or whatever you may have to hand at the time.

If they want sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit and syphillis. Lowlife scumbags.
It was reported that friends and relatives of the deceaswd are leaving flowers and tributes outside the house that was being robbed. He was well thought of in the community it reckoned.

Bit weird for the family being robbed to see those.
I'd throw the ****ing lot in the road then possibly piss on them.
It was reported that friends and relatives of the deceaswd are leaving flowers and tributes outside the house that was being robbed. He was well thought of in the community it reckoned.

Bit weird for the family being robbed to see those.

He'd obviously not tried to rob any of those people then.
good riddance, saves us taxpayers from dishing out his benefits
The current legislation allows for 'reasonable' force to be used to protect yourself and your family. Ask 5 jusges to define reasonable and I'm sure you would get at last 3 different definitions. My personal view is that if someone breaks in to my house I don't know if they are intent on doing me or my family harm, they may be a crack-head or a loony killer they he may not be, but I am going to assume the worse because if I don't it may be me and my family that is beaten, stabbed or killed. They have got to go down and stay down to remove the threat and risk to my family. I reserve to the right to use anything to hand in my house to render them no longer a threat. I can argue about the legitimacy later. Might not be able to do that if he sticks me.
Only sympathy I have is for the person doing the killing, could affect them for a long time.
A repeat offender with a history of violence gets no sympathy from me. It also indicates our justice system is letting us down, so unfortunately protecting ourselves and our families has to be taken into our own hands.
It was reported that friends and relatives of the deceaswd are leaving flowers and tributes outside the house that was being robbed. He was well thought of in the community it reckoned.

Bit weird for the family being robbed to see those.

Sounds exactly like the sort of ****tard who would be well thought of.

I finbd myself in the strange position of agreeing with BM!
Good riddance, another **** down the drain, just a shame another couple of thousand have probably been born to replace him.
I am a big fan of inflicting pain, suffering and death upon those who commit acts of crime against the person.

The **** deserved death and chap did not deserve to spend a minute of his life worrying about the repercussions of defending himself and his property.

Bloke should be allowed to brain the **** who ran away too.
Let's be honest the guy wanted to kill him. Otherwise why did he get into a fight in the first place? :102:
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