Intruder killed

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I am a big fan of inflicting pain, suffering and death upon those who commit acts of crime against the person.

The **** deserved death and chap did not deserve to spend a minute of his life worrying about the repercussions of defending himself and his property.

Bloke should be allowed to brain the **** who ran away too.

Moving slightly off topic and away from what classes as acceptable action when defending your home, what is your opinion on a reasonable punishment for the burglar(s)? Clearly, anyone with sense, which I know you possess, doesn't really believe that, on reflection (away from the heat of the moment in self-defence) "The **** deserved death", but I wonder what an appropriate punishment would be.

On a related topic, could someone with more legal knowledge than me tell me what the situation in the UK is for repeat offences. My understanding is that previous convictions / arrests are only considered when a suspended sentence has been issued - is that correct? It seems ridiculously logical to me that a person who commits an offence for the second time / with "form" should be punished more harshly than a one-time offender.

For what it's worth, I think the law on this issue as it stands is correct and "appropriate" force should be dependent on the situation.
On a related topic, could someone with more legal knowledge than me tell me what the situation in the UK is for repeat offences. My understanding is that previous convictions / arrests are only considered when a suspended sentence has been issued - is that correct? It seems ridiculously logical to me that a person who commits an offence for the second time / with "form" should be punished more harshly than a one-time offender.

Only in a small number of clearly defined circumstances can previous convictions be introduced into a case before somebody is convicted. Once convicted the previous convictions are considered before sentence is passed.
Only in a small number of clearly defined circumstances can previous convictions be introduced into a case before somebody is convicted. Once convicted the previous convictions are considered before sentence is passed.

A sensible approach - thanks.
You'd like to think that they couldn't find a jury which would convict the man in these circumstances.
If I catch anyone in my house they won't be as lucky as the c*** I caught in my car.
I think I've mentioned this before but in summary, I caught 2 blokes in my car outside my house back about 20 years ago. Gave the one a hiding knocked him out, breaking his nose and jaw and was gonna do worse to his mate but he legged it when he saw the size of me.
Thought I was doing the right thing calling the police and an ambulance and was promptly arrested for assault.
My Union at the time got me a good solicitor who managed to get the ABH charge dropped on condition I agreed to be bound over to keep the peace for 12 months. He had a long record according to the arresting officer, and eventually skipped bail which meant the prosecution had no witness, which didn't harm my case.
Car crime doesn't seem to be as prolific these days but I've said since then that if I caught someone in my car again I'd let them have it(the car that is) and not involve the law. Just ain't worth the grief.
But also that if I caught someone in my house while the kids are there that I dump 'em in the Taff and take my chances that the police would be too busy celebrating the demise of a scumbag to be bothered about finding the culprit.
I think I've mentioned this before but in summary, I caught 2 blokes in my car outside my house back about 20 years ago. Gave the one a hiding knocked him out, breaking his nose and jaw and was gonna do worse to his mate but he legged it when he saw the size of me.
Thought I was doing the right thing calling the police and an ambulance and was promptly arrested for assault.
My Union at the time got me a good solicitor who managed to get the ABH charge dropped on condition I agreed to be bound over to keep the peace for 12 months. He had a long record according to the arresting officer, and eventually skipped bail which meant the prosecution had no witness, which didn't harm my case.
Car crime doesn't seem to be as prolific these days but I've said since then that if I caught someone in my car again I'd let them have it(the car that is) and not involve the law. Just ain't worth the grief.
But also that if I caught someone in my house while the kids are there that I dump 'em in the Taff and take my chances that the police would be too busy celebrating the demise of a scumbag to be bothered about finding the culprit.

Car crime down 27% in my area according to Leics police on Twitter today.
CPS will not be pressing charges

Love how this guy now has to have CCTV outside his home to protect him, so the BBC print his photograph.

Also liked the quote from the CPS spokesperson on the news about "acting in good faith". That's going to be my excuse ;)

I heard on the news earlier whilst in the car that he has had to move away, as he fears for his life... pretty crap really.
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