Just realised that I'm ****ed.....

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I also baulked at A-Levels, even chose a University receiving acceptance before results day but totally bottled it and complete fell out with everything/everyone. I wanted to become a journalist and didn't want the financial risk (that's the reason i like to give). I was the family's hope and I still am only the second person in my extended family to go university. I spent 12 months doing **** all except eating everything in sight, I ended up at 19 stone 1 pound and really didn't give two toss about anything. I became depressed and virtually lifeless. Esteem was bottom low, confidence non-existent and personality little.

Eventually the penny dropped when (this is going to sound daft) I once stood in a line for Arctic Monkeys tickets at Leicester University and realised I didn't have enough money to buy myself a ticket when I was about ten from the front. Then I went to the Jobcentre which is literally hell on earth. It was then I began writing here there and every for a start. Eventually working three days a week for nothing except experience, routine and to get out of the house. I enjoyed it even though the work was largely boring and repetitive. Went to Connexions a couple of times too which was helpful by simply talking to someone who was clued up and probed me enough to recognise a couple of things. (They had to hunt me down as my secondary school had no data to say where I had gone and apparently my grades were too much of a waste).

I finally got my current job and everything's changed (to a relevant extent). I am now a healthy weight, fairly active and half-way through a university degree. I will admit my confidence has never really been fully repaired. My group of friends is small (sadly, a few of the bastards I met off here are in it) and I am not a big drinker (cos the social side scares me [what a fooking puff]. If I ever met anyone, I wouldn't have a fooking clue what to do except offer to take her Aldershot Town v Stevenage FC.

It's all to do with motivation and to keep on going. Recognise your mistakes, you still have the opportunity to go either way.

On the experience and qualification debate, on my job employers take on folks either way. The employers like the idea of taking on a trainee or graduate and moulding them. Similarly, if a bloke applies whose worked on the tools for ten years plus and showcases a degree of intelligence, they get employed to. Qualifications are a foot in the door if you want to achieve something in the short-term. The folks who get a job for experience have to do roughly five years plus (sometimes less) and this is down to opportunties which arise. Workplaces are not as clear-cut as you need this and that, situations come about etc. which leads to opportunties and chances for honest hard workers.
I also baulked at A-Levels, even chose a University receiving acceptance before results day but totally bottled it and complete fell out with everything/everyone. I wanted to become a journalist and didn't want the financial risk (that's the reason i like to give). I was the family's hope and I still am only the second person in my extended family to go university. I spent 12 months doing **** all except eating everything in sight, I ended up at 19 stone 1 pound and really didn't give two toss about anything. I became depressed and virtually lifeless. Esteem was bottom low, confidence non-existent and personality little.

Eventually the penny dropped when (this is going to sound daft) I once stood in a line for Arctic Monkeys tickets at Leicester University and realised I didn't have enough money to buy myself a ticket when I was about ten from the front. Then I went to the Jobcentre which is literally hell on earth. It was then I began writing here there and every for a start. Eventually working three days a week for nothing except experience, routine and to get out of the house. I enjoyed it even though the work was largely boring and repetitive. Went to Connexions a couple of times too which was helpful by simply talking to someone who was clued up and probed me enough to recognise a couple of things. (They had to hunt me down as my secondary school had no data to say where I had gone and apparently my grades were too much of a waste).

I finally got my current job and everything's changed (to a relevant extent). I am now a healthy weight, fairly active and half-way through a university degree. I will admit my confidence has never really been fully repaired. My group of friends is small (sadly, a few of the bastards I met off here are in it) and I am not a big drinker (cos the social side scares me [what a fooking puff]. If I ever met anyone, I wouldn't have a fooking clue what to do except offer to take her Aldershot Town v Stevenage FC.

It's all to do with motivation and to keep on going. Recognise your mistakes, you still have the opportunity to go either way.

On the experience and qualification debate, on my job employers take on folks either way. The employers like the idea of taking on a trainee or graduate and moulding them. Similarly, if a bloke applies whose worked on the tools for ten years plus and showcases a degree of intelligence, they get employed to. Qualifications are a foot in the door if you want to achieve something in the short-term. The folks who get a job for experience have to do roughly five years plus (sometimes less) and this is down to opportunties which arise. Workplaces are not as clear-cut as you need this and that, situations come about etc. which leads to opportunties and chances for honest hard workers.

Good post, I remember fat Harry, it's nice to think I've been there along your journey, most probably as your rock if I'm honest.:icon_bigg
Harry, serious question, how long did it take you to lose the weight? And how much do you weigh now? I've lost a stone in three weeks.
I can't retake at RSS anyway, so many year 11s going into sixth form that they won't let the people who fail in lower sixth retake.

No, I don't do Science, thanks a lot anyway.

I was at RSS and retook Maths, I had to argue my corner however.

Then again I had sweet talk Cordwent to do a-level geography as i did gcse history

hope everything works out for you
I left midway through my A Levels. My then College's fault that was though.. I did okay in my GCSEs, nothing special - about enough to scrape into uni if that's what I wanted to do but I wanted to go straight in to work. I'd like to be an artist in the games industry and am currently just doing temporary agency work testing videogames. It's a genuinely good job too..!
I also baulked at A-Levels, even chose a University receiving acceptance before results day but totally bottled it and complete fell out with everything/everyone. I wanted to become a journalist and didn't want the financial risk (that's the reason i like to give). I was the family's hope and I still am only the second person in my extended family to go university. I spent 12 months doing **** all except eating everything in sight, I ended up at 19 stone 1 pound and really didn't give two toss about anything. I became depressed and virtually lifeless. Esteem was bottom low, confidence non-existent and personality little.

Eventually the penny dropped when (this is going to sound daft) I once stood in a line for Arctic Monkeys tickets at Leicester University and realised I didn't have enough money to buy myself a ticket when I was about ten from the front. Then I went to the Jobcentre which is literally hell on earth. It was then I began writing here there and every for a start. Eventually working three days a week for nothing except experience, routine and to get out of the house. I enjoyed it even though the work was largely boring and repetitive. Went to Connexions a couple of times too which was helpful by simply talking to someone who was clued up and probed me enough to recognise a couple of things. (They had to hunt me down as my secondary school had no data to say where I had gone and apparently my grades were too much of a waste).

I finally got my current job and everything's changed (to a relevant extent). I am now a healthy weight, fairly active and half-way through a university degree. I will admit my confidence has never really been fully repaired. My group of friends is small (sadly, a few of the bastards I met off here are in it) and I am not a big drinker (cos the social side scares me [what a fooking puff]. If I ever met anyone, I wouldn't have a fooking clue what to do except offer to take her Aldershot Town v Stevenage FC.

It's all to do with motivation and to keep on going. Recognise your mistakes, you still have the opportunity to go either way.

On the experience and qualification debate, on my job employers take on folks either way. The employers like the idea of taking on a trainee or graduate and moulding them. Similarly, if a bloke applies whose worked on the tools for ten years plus and showcases a degree of intelligence, they get employed to. Qualifications are a foot in the door if you want to achieve something in the short-term. The folks who get a job for experience have to do roughly five years plus (sometimes less) and this is down to opportunties which arise. Workplaces are not as clear-cut as you need this and that, situations come about etc. which leads to opportunties and chances for honest hard workers.

Nice post Harry :038: You know you love your friends from here :icon_bigg.

Looking to lose a stone and half in the next month as I don't want to be a fat bastard at my sisters wedding.
Harry, serious question, how long did it take you to lose the weight? And how much do you weigh now? I've lost a stone in three weeks.

I can't remember off the top of my head but I was losing roughly half a stone per five weeks. If you do a bit of exercise, you have to allow for muscle tone too. If you start well, it falls off quick due to the changes your body 'suffers'. It does eventually slow down. I know if I want to lose any more I have to specific exercise.

Nice post Harry :038: You know you love your friends from here :icon_bigg.

Looking to lose a stone and half in the next month as I don't want to be a fat bastard at my sisters wedding.

Yeah he does, the ****ing wanker.

I appreciate them yeh. Mainly cos I found folk as obessive about City as me. Alright....I love ya too.
How come...?

If you lose it that quickly it is normally because your body is starving, and as soon as you start to eat normally (not heavily, but a healthy diet) your body will start to conserve fat again.
That's quite good but if you want to keep it off you're better off taking it a bit steadier.

How come...?

It's not healthy to lose weight that quickly. 2-3 pounds a week is the most you should lose.

What Jeff said is true. Also, research has proven that rapid weight loss can be a short term fix and that the weight has a better chance of staying off if it is more gradual thus giving the body more time to adjust and accept its new consistency.
If you lose it that quickly it is normally because your body is starving, and as soon as you start to eat normally (not heavily, but a healthy diet) your body will start to conserve fat again.

And that!
I ballsed up my A levels. 18 years after that 'failure', I'm on the verge of the career I really wanted

so the moral here is don't balls up your A levels?

I didn't even read one of my books for my English Lit AS exam back in the day and blagged it fine, ended up getting a B.
I didn't even read one of my books for my English Lit AS exam back in the day and blagged it fine, ended up getting a B.

yeah but you're clever..Harbs is thick as dogshit

yeah but you're clever..Harbs is thick as dogshit



In truth though, I think everyone's had a moment like Harbs is having now. I'm 20 and don't plan on going uni for another year or two, but when I was 18 and just finished my A-Level I had accepted to go to uni and everything, but pulled out at the last minute. I think I had a similar summer just before that. Just felt like at that time I was wasting my life and I had no clue what to do with my life and was going into do a degree which I didn't think I would enjoy just because I thought I had no better options.

In the end I decided to work for a couple of years and I'm so glad I did rather than going to uni, I had applied for an English degree really just because all my friends were going uni as well, but I really didn't want to do it. Now I've gone back and am doing an A-level in biology part-time while also working part-time, which I find way more interesting and is a subject I could actually see myself enjoying doing, or enjoying finding a job in that field of work for the rest of my life.

Also, find it way easier to motivate myself to do it this time round now I have an idea that I want to do it at uni, I got lazy to say the least A-levels first time round, I blagged a bunch of Cs and Bs, but realistically I knew I could've done a lot better if I'd put the effort in. Deciding not to go uni first time round, I think was the best decision I ever made. At 18, I just didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and I think a lot of people don't either and just go to uni for the sake of it.
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