Post Match Leicester 3 Norwich 1

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Is there some way I could be placed in stasis for the last few games, but only on the proviso it doesn’t all go a bit red dwarf while that happens and I awake to find my only companions are a hologram of Brendan Rodgers and a descendent of my cat.
Although I agree that we look better with Doyle on the left, his passing really let him down today. Far too many crosses or passes went out of play but at least he was making space for himself and he defended well enough.
Very harsh. his passes that did land, and there were plenty of them, had a huge impact. Far outweighed the negative of the ones that went out of play today.
Best we’ve played for weeks, particularly so in the second half when we ****ing smashed them. We were the better team by an absolute ****ing country mile.

Ze system is perfectly fine when we have the right players in the right places, and we remember how to pass the ball to our own ****ing players.

Ndidi back to fitness and back to his best. Ricardo back to fitness and back to his best. Doyle a squillionty times better than Justin - he was ****ing outstanding. When we pass to, and properly support, the wingers they can rip teams apart. Fatawu had their left back on ****ing toast. Winks outstanding, Mavidid dangerous, KDH superb all over the pitch. Vesty imperious. Faes a bit meh, and far too slow to deliver a pass, but he got by. Daka pure dogshit.

Big shout out to Maresca for sticking to what took us to top of the league in the first place, and for dragging this lot back from that shitshow on Friday. That is some turnaround.
Credit also for making the right subs at the right time (although Vardy should have come on earlier for the hapless Daka). We had just started to sit back, but the subs brought us back up the pitch where we strangled the life out of them.

Right back playing at our best, just at the right time

Hopefully that will shut the moaning miserable ****flaps up for a few days. Bunch of fannies
It's almost pointless us crossing the ball though as we don't get enough players in and around the 6-yard box to make the most of it.

Doyle was superb today and it was a lot of his cross field balls straight to Abdul that created more space for us and dragged their defence across the pitch.
Grabbed some last minute tickets, good decision.

We played well; focused, driven and passionate. KDH was excellent, as was Faes who was MOTM for me. Winks was on form and Fatawu was back to his best. Special mention to Mavididi who grafted, wasn't perfect but grafted and got his reward.
Some tough games for Leeds, Ipswich and Southampton later. Southampton/Ipswich goes without saying but Hull need the win to keep in touch with the play off race and there'll be a slight hint of Derby day spice to it as well...

Important win for us anyway and an impressive one too given where they are and the firm they were in. We needed that and it was the best performance in months...
A much improved performance.

We just looked up for it today. Having Ricardo and Doyle on the two sides makes us look so much better than Choudhury and Justin.

I thought the front three were all really bad. The defence and midfield were very willing and front footed but we constantly got the ball to the wide players and they did very little. Their confidence levels just look shot. It was notable, and potentially crucial, to see them both flying off the bench and down the wing when we got the third. Belief is everything with those two.

Daka got no service whatsoever. His running across the line kept Norwich busy though and he fluffed the one opportunity that came his way when the defender messed up. Oh and welcome to 2024 to Dewsbury-Hall who has been utter dogshit for ages and was excellent today.

The most interesting moments were Faes getting all arsey with the home fans when we equalised. Cupping his ears to us like a prize knob head. Shows everything wrong with that dick. Also, how frequently EM was telling the players to slow the pace down and go backwards and how, FINALLY, some of them just thought 'feck that, I'm going forward'. Lots of that from people like Winks today which I liked to see.
Yep, that assist and goal from Mavididi weren't worth him being on the pitch for and I don't know what Fatawu was playing at making the space for Wilf's underlapping runs which were a constant menace all game.
Mental isn't it. Fatawu created so much for us today and that touch and finish from

But yeah, apart from that they were shit.

Oh, and what do I win for predicting that BN would try and defend Daka's ****ing hideous performance?
Yep, that assist and goal from Mavididi weren't worth him being on the pitch for and I don't know what Fatawu was playing at making the space for Wilf's underlapping runs which were a constant menace all game.


I'm referring to the way the game went. Norwich chose to crowd the centre of the pitch which left both our wide players with massive amounts of space. Opponents have tended to double up on our wingers recently but Norwich left them totally free.

Between 20-30 times in the game, the switch to a winger in acres of space was the obvious ball and we played it many times. Just about every single time though, the winger shat himself, didn't take on the defender, didn't get a meaningful cross in, etc. So many times, either Mavididi or Fatawu had Daka and Ndidi standing in the six yard box waiting for a cross and it never came.
I'm at Soar Point. Waiting for the Ipswich match. Good buzz in here, generally positive. Hopefully this win can boost the atmosphere a bit and the players. We really needed that.

✔️ came from behind
✔️ scored 3 goals
✔️ dominated the match
✔️ we looked driven and passionate
✔️ out of form players performed better
Well good win guarantees at least a play off place, as if that was ever in doudt, But I was starting to get concerned after looking at the recent form table. Hopefully the all important confidence is restored and we are set to end the season as rightful champions.

I'm referring to the way the game went. Norwich chose to crowd the centre of the pitch which left both our wide players with massive amounts of space. Opponents have tended to double up on our wingers recently but Norwich left them totally free.

Between 20-30 times in the game, the switch to a winger in acres of space was the obvious ball and we played it many times. Just about every single time though, the winger shat himself, didn't take on the defender, didn't get a meaningful cross in, etc. So many times, either Mavididi or Fatawu had Daka and Ndidi standing in the six yard box waiting for a cross and it never came.
You have to stop falling asleep.

It's making you look a right ****.
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