Leicester's Babysquad

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Even when it isn't "firms" though there are still a bunch of twats around who start fights for no reason.

I was a victim of football violence a couple of years ago. Group of lads started on me because I was walking back to the train station from the Walkers, and therefore can't have been a real Leicester fan (despite the fact that I was in my City shirt and was only going back to L'boro)
Havn't been back to the Walkers since, because I'm always just by myself when I go to games, and don't like the idea of running into them (or others like them) again and being completely by myself.

I wish more was done about it, but I guess it's difficult.
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Even when it isn't "firms" though there are still a bunch of twats around who start fights for no reason.

I was a victim of football violence a couple of years ago. Group of lads started on me because I was walking back to the train station from the Walkers, and therefore can't have been a real Leicester fan (despite the fact that I was in my City shirt and was only going back to L'boro)
Havn't been back to the Walkers since, because I'm always just by myself when I go to games, and don't like the idea of running into them (or others like them) again and being completely by myself.

I wish more was done about it, but I guess it's difficult.

Are you fecking kidding me?
Of course it is good to have a Firm. They stop the other firms from attacking no-firm people. And they are good it because they for some reason like what they are doing.


The YBS are just chavs who think they are hard.

I just don't see why hooligans do it, do they get a thrill out of it or something. Football is not for fighting. Maybe they want to show off. When i was at Forest i saw what was going on in the top left, things flying across then people trying to get over. The when on the walk back to the station i saw people fighting in the park, i thought what the hell, its a game of football why fight. They oughter get a life and stop feckin up their lives.

Yes it is wrong but good sometimes to have them.

May not make any sense at all.

Of course it is good to have a Firm. They stop the other firms from attacking no-firm people. And they are good it because they for some reason like what they are doing.

That really is the most retarded statement that you have ever posted on talkingballs, and that's saying something.

No, seriously, the most inane, cretinous, ****ing absurd thing I think I've ever read on here......and I've debated religion with foxin_oz.
That really is the most retarded statement that you have ever posted on talkingballs, and that's saying something.

No, seriously, the most inane, cretinous, ****ing absurd thing I think I've ever read on here......and I've debated religion with foxin_oz.

Aw shucks Macky, you say the nicest things. But I can't take all the credit. :102:
Of course it is good to have a Firm. They stop the other firms from attacking no-firm people. And they are good it because they for some reason like what they are doing.

What rot!

I am staggered to even read such a stupid post in regards to the twats who think using football as an excuse to have a ruck ok.

Because of those wassocks the normal, decent fans get treated like shit by coppers up and down the country.
Because of those wassocks the normal, decent fans get treated like shit by coppers up and down the country.

At least 50% of that is down to Football coppers being thugs dressed up.

The look on some of their faces, they love treating ordinary people like shit.
indeed, but they have their excuse to do it because of how football fans are preceived.

At QPR last season it was an utter farce what went on after the game, keeping those in the lower tier locked in for almost 1/2hour afterwards, when lots of them were from the coaches.

When they finally let people out to stand in a cordon just outside the gorund(thankfully me being a girl they let go just ahead of them whilst they slowly let the Leicester fans move towards the exit) I had to tell three different coppers that Ben and Nick were on the coaches,cos they were gonna march everyone there down to the station!

And then they just grabbed hold of both of them and dragged them out of the crowd, with Ben ending up on the floor with a cut lip from one of the coppers who just let go of him when he was out of the cordon so he couldn't stop himself falling to the ground.

And all because there were 20 or so lads who were 'known'. Nevermind the fact they caused no trouble whatsoever during the game, cos of their rep the police were ready to jump on anyone who so much as farted let alone tried to kick off.
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That really is the most retarded statement that you have ever posted on talkingballs, and that's saying something.

No, seriously, the most inane, cretinous, ****ing absurd thing I think I've ever read on here......and I've debated religion with foxin_oz.

I never wrote that, someone at college went on my pc when I was not there, i have better English and more sense than that ;)
The original babysquad would all be around the 50's now i would think.

Always remember walking up Upperton rd after a city match, with a large crowd of neanderthals walking in the opposite direction to me. About 10 mins later you could usually hear the distant sound of sirens.
Thankfully todays generation dont really have a clue as to what it used to be like.
They like kicking people in? Your opinion would change if you were a victim of these morons.

Let me tell you about being "kicked" by one of these firms. Some years ago I went to a City game with a Sunderland fan. Now he was loud in that he had a Sunderland scarf and we were attacked by a "firm".

I played Rugby for 21 years and got used to physicality (and not just in the baths afterwards :icon_bigg ) as it is a very physical game. The relevance is that this attack was so pathetic that after we picked ourselves up from the floor with laughter, we saw some twat running off in the distance.

If that is the best they can do or any football "hooligan" can do then don't bother. Why? Because Ruislip Vets are a much harder, in every sense of that word, group of people than any group of "Firms". :icon_roll

Anyone who thinks firms are hard or should be praised should get out more. :thumbs_do
Indeed firms are ridiculous. But to tell everyone that all in firms are not as you say 'hard' is missleading.

I can imagine and have seen some very nasty people who indulge in this sort of behavoir.
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