Leicester's Babysquad

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as long as there is football there will be hooligans to go with it.doesnt matter if your watching man utd with 60k other folk, or watching the kids down the park on a sunday morning with 10 or so other parents, there is always someone who believes that watching the game or following a team is an excuse for them to vent there anger at who ever they decide, using the fact that "its football and there the oposition " as there excuse.
there are lots of folk out there who love a punch up, football gives them that oportunity and more importantly a reason.
sad but true.
as long as there is football there will be hooligans to go with it.doesnt matter if your watching man utd with 60k other folk, or watching the kids down the park on a sunday morning with 10 or so other parents, there is always someone who believes that watching the game or following a team is an excuse for them to vent there anger at who ever they decide, using the fact that "its football and there the oposition " as there excuse.
there are lots of folk out there who love a punch up, football gives them that oportunity and more importantly a reason.
sad but true.

Well said.
I played Rugby for 21 years and got used to physicality (and not just in the baths afterwards :icon_bigg )

True story. In the showers at Parklands in Oadby there is a small bar of soap on the floor. It's been there for at least a week now, I reckon nobody is brave enough to bend down and pick it up.
Of course it is good to have a Firm. They stop the other firms from attacking no-firm people. And they are good it because they for some reason like what they are doing.
You stupid, stupid boy.
Few pints, have a ruck with the locals and try and take their end.

Can't beat the North Bucks Wednesday night pub crib league....
Ripping off people on Tinterweb and getting interested in hooliganism?

Reckon your first proper beating may not be too far away.
Hey Fludie you tosser, if you want to see hooligans at work, go to an Italian match. You won't be so star struck then.
I never wrote that, someone at college went on my pc when I was not there, i have better English and more sense than that ;)

Yeah, of course fludie, we believe you, and let me guess, the dog ate your college homework?

You have better English??? That's unpossible.
Let me tell you about being "kicked" by one of these firms. Some years ago I went to a City game with a Sunderland fan. Now he was loud in that he had a Sunderland scarf and we were attacked by a "firm".

I played Rugby for 21 years and got used to physicality (and not just in the baths afterwards :icon_bigg ) as it is a very physical game. The relevance is that this attack was so pathetic that after we picked ourselves up from the floor with laughter, we saw some twat running off in the distance.

If that is the best they can do or any football "hooligan" can do then don't bother. Why? Because Ruislip Vets are a much harder, in every sense of that word, group of people than any group of "Firms". :icon_roll

Anyone who thinks firms are hard or should be praised should get out more. :thumbs_do

Don't kid yourself Steven.
Whilst I don't doubt you for a second, I can guarantee you that there are people involved that are complete ****ing monsters. They aren't in the majority, but they would take absolute pleasure in putting you in hospital if you showed any slight sign of being interested in violence.
They are also absolutely devoted Leicester City fans, the two states of mind aren't mutually exclusive.

My guess is that you were attacked by a shower of arseholes trying to act hard when they were mob handed, not a 'firm'.
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I never wrote that, someone at college went on my pc when I was not there, i have better English and more sense than that ;)

:icon_lol::icon_lol: I've heard it all now!

Literally every thing you post on here is a lie.
I've heard that he's planning on going to watch City for the first time soon

:icon_lol: Nothing would suprise me anymore. Bullshit just flys out of his mouth.
I love all this "firms" business. :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Let's face it, we are talking about a bunch of hysterical 15-year-olds in the main who run away at the first sight of trouble. Pathetic spineless ****s, each and every one. Burning is WAY too good for them.

At least over here they give their 15-year-old gangs a few firearms to spice it up...
Because of those wassocks the normal, decent fans get treated like shit by coppers up and down the country.

Agreed. I can't stand on a 'yellow line', bollocks like that gets you down.

At least 50% of that is down to Football coppers being thugs dressed up.

And all because there were 20 or so lads who were 'known'. .

It's normally the case I hear about some 'lads' travelling to the games a week before, QPR last year was one. Always keep your wits about you then. Coppers are the most assuming bunch of cnuts going.
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Thankfully todays generation dont really have a clue as to what it used to be like.
I stopped going to footy, I was sick of it all by the mid-80's, not just City but nationally - I lost all interest in the game. If there was a hint of that bollocks occuring at matches I would never take my kids again.
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