Let's all laugh at Leeds Part 1,123

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Theoretical question.....

In view of the fact that a win on Friday would move Leeds out of the relegation zone, and Forest in, if it were up to you, which would you choose to go down this season? :)
both, theresa more than one drop
The point of the question was to find out which one you guys hate the most.
My preference would, of course, be hidden answer c) Swansea.

as i have more journeys via leeds and bump into them more often then i'd say leeds
Forest, would be ****ing hillarious.
did anyone hear the song on radio one about leeds?? pretty funny but true
did anyone hear the song on radio one about leeds?? pretty funny but true

Yer Chris Moyles is an arse.

"This song is for all the Leeds fans and anyone else who wants justice"

Justice would be to see them go into free fall through the leagues, Ken bates be sued for everything hes got by everyone whom he owes money to and for Dennis Wise to be out of a job forever and die a slow horrible, painfull death caused by knob rot! :098::098:
2-0 up away from home tonight at Bristol Rovers and set to move on to 3 points.Only team in the country with a 100% record if they hold on.
2-0 up away from home tonight at Bristol Rovers and set to move on to 3 points.Only team in the country with a 100% record if they hold on.
feck, bunch of tossers.
2-0 up away from home tonight at Bristol Rovers and set to move on to 3 points.Only team in the country with a 100% record if they hold on.

They've got 2 guys up front who can't stop scoring.

Kandol & Beckford 4 each in 6 games ... maybe we should try and poach them....
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00