Lilian Nalis

Should Ben Thatcher be city's captain?

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Basketcase fox

New Member
Can some1 PLEASE explain why Lilly aint been playing?
He pisses on muzzy from a great distance and yet has hardly played!
him and McKinley whould be the perfect partnership!

1. Walker
2. Impey
21. Scimica
33. Thatcher
14. Davidson
7. Gillespie
8. Nalis
32. McKinley
11. Stewart
22. Dickov
38. Bent

Bring back TAGGS & TOMMY WRIGHT!!!
Well i disagree with everything except the bit about tommy wright!

Nalis aint played cause of family deaths so he returned to france for a bit, he is back in training though now.

Forget Gillespie in the starting line up and Taggart is a liability at this stage in his career.
Basketcase you truly are. I reckon Lillian will be fantastic.....but Muzzy is a god. Sort it out son, the Sherry's gone down the wrong way......
alex said:
Basketcase you truly are. I reckon Lillian will be fantastic.....but Muzzy is a god. Sort it out son, the Sherry's gone down the wrong way......

Im sorry but if a coke snorting turk is your idea of god you have things wrong my friend, his preformances for the last 3 seasons have been so unpredictable its like two different muzzy izzets take turns playing
complete b*&%$@ks. All Nalis has done so far is score an absolute screamer. During most of the games he's played in he's been off the pace. I think the transition from a quite slow italian game to the fast premiership may be the problem. Hopefully lilian will eventually turn out to be a good signing but in place of izzet! you must be having a laugh. he is essential to the attacking side of our team. if adams drops izzet i'll buy a forest shirt!
as for tommy wright, i c no point at the moment. all 3 of our strikers have scored goals this season. our problems clearly lie at the other end of the pitch. i've said before but i'd like to see a back four of:


that should do the trick!
BasketCase i think you are the only Coke Snorting one. You are having a fcuking laugh aren't you. Izzet is god and he should be our captain not thatcher. Plus Nalis is shocking. He fcuks everything up. when he has space he is good but in the premiership he don't get it. He was amazing against Barcelona because he had space but when he played at Aston Vile he was sh1t. Bring back Taggert he is useless now. Howey is alot better or Heath.
Bring Back Heath And Wright :D
Basketcase fox said:
Scowcroft said:
Welcome Basketfox.......I think you need to sort yourself out mate! :lol: :wink:

What do u mean 'sort yourself out' ?
well you're slagin of our best player calling him a coke snortin turk when infact he's a clean cockney! and yuo are calling for keith gillespie to start again and fat gez to come back! are you mad?
Basketcase fox said:
Scowcroft said:
Welcome Basketfox.......I think you need to sort yourself out mate! :lol: :wink:

What do u mean 'sort yourself out' ?

Can some1 PLEASE explain why Lilly aint been playing?
He pisses on muzzy from a great distance and yet has hardly played!
him and McKinley whould be the perfect partnership!

Says it all really. :roll:
teenfox said:
Basketcase fox said:
Scowcroft said:
Welcome Basketfox.......I think you need to sort yourself out mate! :lol: :wink:

What do u mean 'sort yourself out' ?
well you're slagin of our best player calling him a coke snortin turk when infact he's a clean cockney! and yuo are calling for keith gillespie to start again and fat gez to come back! are you mad?

im not mad but i garentee if muzzy izzet was 2 b drug tested he would b positive 4 coke. its not somthing im happy 2 say but my former idol plays worse every time i see him. as for the captaincy thatcher has been the only consistant player for comitment and ability all season, although davidson and sinclair have only played bit parts they are the only others firey enough but with the control. plus your captain SHOULD ALWAYS be a deffender or midfield anchor
Basketcase fox said:
teenfox said:
Basketcase fox said:
Scowcroft said:
Welcome Basketfox.......I think you need to sort yourself out mate! :lol: :wink:

What do u mean 'sort yourself out' ?
well you're slagin of our best player calling him a coke snortin turk when infact he's a clean cockney! and yuo are calling for keith gillespie to start again and fat gez to come back! are you mad?

im not mad but i garentee if muzzy izzet was 2 b drug tested he would b positive 4 coke. its not somthing im happy 2 say but my former idol plays worse every time i see him. as for the captaincy thatcher has been the only consistant player for comitment and ability all season, although davidson and sinclair have only played bit parts they are the only others firey enough but with the control. plus your captain SHOULD ALWAYS be a deffender or midfield anchor

fvck off nutter! theres nought wrong with muzz! thatcher has been great this season but muzz is our leader and a great influence to others! i'm starting to wonder weather or not you really are a city fan
And how many times have you seen him??!!
Basketcase fox said:
teenfox said:
Basketcase fox said:
Scowcroft said:
Welcome Basketfox.......I think you need to sort yourself out mate! :lol: :wink:

What do u mean 'sort yourself out' ?
well you're slagin of our best player calling him a coke snortin turk when infact he's a clean cockney! and yuo are calling for keith gillespie to start again and fat gez to come back! are you mad?

im not mad but i garentee if muzzy izzet was 2 b drug tested he would b positive 4 coke. its not somthing im happy 2 say but my former idol plays worse every time i see him. as for the captaincy thatcher has been the only consistant player for comitment and ability all season, although davidson and sinclair have only played bit parts they are the only others firey enough but with the control. plus your captain SHOULD ALWAYS be a deffender or midfield anchor
You like elderly men.
Basketcase hope you get aids and die slowly.
No death please people....

BasketCase is very welcome to his views, only these are a little racist if you ask me, which is why he warrants no more than a joke set of answers on this thread...

I don't know if he's City, probably another lost sheep dreaming of players of the class of Muzz....whatever. Take the piss, but no death.
alex said:
No death please people....

BasketCase is very welcome to his views, only these are a little racist if you ask me, which is why he warrants no more than a joke set of answers on this thread...

I don't know if he's City, probably another lost sheep dreaming of players of the class of Muzz....whatever. Take the piss, but no death.

yes sir :wink:
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