A reading from the Fifth Book of Thai, Chapter 5 Verses 25 to 29
25. And Claudio said unto his people , follow me and I will lead you to the promised land. And they did follow him, for he had spoken.
26. And the Pellegians from the North appeared unto them saying, we are from Etihad and will assail you for thou art unworthy. We will defeat you and return you to your lands and you will wither and perish like corn that grows on stony ground. For we are mighty and our wealth is great and all must fall before us.
27. And the people looked to Claudio. And Claudio did smile and tell them not to be afraid.
28. Thus Claudio sent forth his Champions. And Huth did smite them and Rhiyad did smite them . And the Pellegians were sore afraid and were cast down and beaten, for they were weak. And they were cowed and did wail and weep mightily. And the Lord turned to Pelleg saying your kind are despised above all the creatures of the earth and thou art banished to the wilderness.
29. Then the Lord did smile down on Claudio saying lead thy people on, for thou art the chosen one.