Milan and DJ Campbell

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£2m is a lot but it's not really too much. Prices are determined by supply and demand and demand and prices are rising sharply now. A striker with a proven good strike rate, even in Campbell's case who has not had a long run in the first team but has proven he can find the net when he does play AT THIS LEVEL, is going to cost big money in todays market. I'm afraid it is looking like 'the going rate'. If MM is willing to finance this, I don't think it is too much. To meet our ambitions we need another forward. Hume won't score enough (but is good enough), Cort we cannot rely on due to his injury record (but we know scores 1 goal in 3 which is good enough), whilst the other main two - Fryattt & De Vries have shown themselves to not be good enough for different reasons (De Vries the ability he was born with, Fryatt the ability he has frittered away through indifference and poor motivation).
BOTTOM LINE: We are an ambitious club. We are aiming for the top six this season. We need another main forward to partner Hume. We have to pay the going rate to get that forward.

I agree with your sentiment but I personally feel £2M is around 50% too much for DJC even taking on board the supply and demand rule.
I still can't work out why Fryatt's poor form last year is being put down to attitude/indifference and motivation.


Its hard to look sharp and fit when your arches have collapsed cause it fecking hurts everytime you try to run let alone sprint.

I speak from personal experience! (and one of the main reasons why the Brown Stripes lost in the semi finals last year :icon_wink)
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I agree with your sentiment but I personally feel £2M is around 50% too much for DJC even taking on board the supply and demand rule.

Durham, a month ago I might have agreed with you... you can be sure MM's initial bid with B'ham which was proabably made about a month ago now & was probably in the order of a £1m bid, but I think the price has literally gone up in leaps and bounds in the last fortnight, again due to supply and demand. Markets can fluctuate wildly in short periods of time in some sectors but not much in others. Wild and rapid fluctuations are most notable in things like football and house prices. £1m in today's market, as of the week commencing 16/7/07, it seems would get you a lower level player like Izale McLoud whilst it takes about double to get a championship level goalscoring forward.
I still can't work out why Fryatt's poor form last year is being put down to attitude/indifference and motivation.


Its hard to look sharp and fit when your arches have collapsed cause it fecking hurts everytime you try to run let alone sprint.

I speak from personal experience! (and one of the main reasons why the Brown Stripes lost in the semi finals last year :icon_wink)

Sorry Dunc, I think you're being over-generous to Matty. I think it was part injury and a big dose of the other factors: indifference & poor motivation (probably exacerbated by off-the-field troubles). A promotion chasing team cannot have a player like that at centre forward. If we expect for 2007/08 to be fighting relegation at worst and aiming for mid-table at best (& had little or no money to boost the squad), then I would stick with Fryatt. But I'm sorry, it's time to hire and fire with our higher expectations for this season. So it's goodbye Matty and hello DJ. I for one welcome that.
I'll have fond memories of Matty for his first season with us and thoughts of 'what might have been', but he needs a fresh challenge and we need a fresh centre forward.
Sorry Dunc, I think you're being over-generous to Matty. I think it was part injury and a big dose of the other factors: indifference & poor motivation (probably exacerbated by off-the-field troubles). A promotion chasing team cannot have a player like that at centre forward. If we expect for 2007/08 to be fighting relegation at worst and aiming for mid-table at best (& had little or no money to boost the squad), then I would stick with Fryatt. But I'm sorry, it's time to hire and fire with our higher expectations for this season. So it's goodbye Matty and hello DJ. I for one welcome that.
I'll have fond memories of Matty for his first season with us and thoughts of 'what might have been', but he needs a fresh challenge and we need a fresh centre forward.

Hmmm, well I don't agree cause I know for a fact that his arches collapsed in pre-season last year.

If anything his attitude shouldn't be faulted as he was playing through pain as he wanted to play for the first 2-3 months of the season (form suffering as a result) when he shouldn't have been.

I'd like to add that I don't think Fryatt is the 2nd coming but I do think he is better (from what I've seen than Campbell, McLeod, Hammond and MDV). If Campbell and McLeod were brought in and we kept Fryatt, Hume and Cort I'd be happy.
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Hmmm, well I don't agree cause I know for a fact that his arches collapsed in pre-season last year.

If anything his attitude shouldn't be faulted as he was playing through pain as he wanted to play for the first 2-3 months of the season (form suffering as a result) when he shouldn't have been.


Someone at the club needs shooting for letting a player play if that's the case... either Kelly, or Matty, or both! Are you SURE it was JUST a question of his arches alone? To me, he looked like a young man with a lot of personal problems on his plate as well as an unmotivated one. Dunc if you know Matty may I suggest that for his future with Wolves/Preston you advise him to be more careful about the company he keeps in future... and he gives his football 100%, 100% of the time.
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Someone at the club needs shooting for letting a player play if that's the case... either Kelly, or Matty, or both! Are you SURE it was JUST a question of his arches alone? To me, he looked like a young man with a lot of personal problems on his plate as well as an unmotivated one. Dunc if you know Matty may I suggest that for his future with Wolves/Preston you advise him to be more careful about the company he keeps in future... and he gives his football 100%, 100% of the time.

i'll try and pass on the psycho analysis that you've determined from watching him play on saturday afternoon!

When he plays (for whoever next season) I'll make sure a key concern is to play as if he hasn't got a lot of personal problems on his plate and look like he is being careful about the company he keeps.

He'll be thrilled... :icon_lol:
i'll try and pass on the psycho analysis that you've determined from watching him play on saturday afternoon!

When he plays (for whoever next season) I'll make sure a key concern is to play as if he hasn't got a lot of personal problems on his plate and look like he is being careful about the company he keeps.

He'll be thrilled... :icon_lol:

Well you can sneer at and dismiss what I've said, but these things do matter. A lot of players careers go down because of them. If you think for one moment getting your head right as well as your fitness isn't vital and living a clean living life isn't vital for being a succesfull footballer, then you'd be wrong.
Well you can sneer at and dismiss what I've said, but these things do matter. A lot of players careers go down because of them. If you think for one moment getting your head right as well as your fitness isn't vital and living a clean living life isn't vital for being a succesfull footballer, then you'd be wrong.

I wasn't sneering or dimissing it just made me smile.

I agree with you, I just don't think (from what I know) that Fryatt is particularly down that route.
from a Brum message board:

Bruce said at tonights friendly that his transfer went through this afternoon but didnt say who too

All the best dj
it would seem to make sense as mido is spouting off about agreeing a years long to brum
Something is wrong IMO.

If he had signed we would know by now and by all rights this should have happened by now if it was going to. We have been 'in talks' for a week now and the Brummie press have been saying for a while that they expected it to happen the day they reported it...that time has long expired.

There must be a hitch.
We should slap a time limit on it (if we haven't already). If no one is matching our offer they should either sell him or keep him...but don't f*ck us about!
Something is wrong IMO.

If he had signed we would know by now and by all rights this should have happened by now if it was going to. We have been 'in talks' for a week now and the Brummie press have been saying for a while that they expected it to happen the day they reported it...that time has long expired.

There must be a hitch.

Maybe we're waiting to see if we get Fowler, and if we do DJC won't be coming.
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