Milan and DJ Campbell

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Maybe we're waiting to see if we get Fowler, and if we do DJC won't be coming.

I'm not convinced. If we play games like that we could lose both. We have also been in dialogue with Brum and apparently raised our offer. The Brum press also said we were the only team to put our money where our mouth is...the ball would appear to be in their court and it looks like they are holding out on us...

Could be wrong but the press seem to be indicating that.
I Think its more likely that Campbell is delaying things than Birmingham. although the new lead shareholder might have some something to do with it?
I think this because Bruce wants the money for his own spending, and if our offer was decent i think he would take it so he wasn't in limbo with his own activity.

Campbell could be delaying for many reasons.
- Hopes a bigger club will come in
- Waiting for Clemence's opinion on the club and manager
- Doesn't like the thought of ice baths...etc
It could be the fact that transfers often take a while. We only put in an improved offer a couple of days ago (if you believe the rumours). If Brum have only just accepted our higher offer, I expect it to go through in the next day or two.

I don't see these "delays" as being anything more than the normal transfer shenanigans to be honest.
I agree with your sentiment but I personally feel £2M is around 50% too much for DJC even taking on board the supply and demand rule.

How you work that out, demand for strikers is high hence the prices are high.

We could buy a striker for 750k but then you would be moaning we brought a scottish or conference league player or another hammond someone with no scoring record.
How you work that out, demand for strikers is high hence the prices are high.

We could buy a striker for 750k but then you would be moaning we brought a scottish or conference league player or another hammond someone with no scoring record.

Im comparing it to what other teams have spent and aqcuired for roughly the same amount.
Does no one else get a fishey feeling about this?? :102:

I'm sorry, but if DJ was walking around The Walkers with MM on Sunday then I would have really expected it to be announced the following day, still 3 days later and nothing. I smell something, doesn't smell too pleasant but can't quite remember what it smells like......
I smell something, doesn't smell too pleasant but can't quite remember what it smells like......

shit from a bull? :icon_wink
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I'm not worried that the deal is dead just yet. MA is IMO a very honest chap, and if he says a deal hasn't been agreed then, a deal hasn't been agreed.

MA has made it a priority of his to keep us (the fans) updated, so that tells me there isn't anything to report.
I'm not worried that the deal is dead just yet. MA is IMO a very honest chap, and if he says a deal hasn't been agreed then, a deal hasn't been agreed.

MA has made it a priority of his to keep us (the fans) updated, so that tells me there isn't anything to report.

Not worried that the deal may be off, its been dragging on long enough as it is. Just doubt whether DJ was really at The Walkers on Sunday.

Well remembered City Fan!! :biggrin: :038:
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Whats the betting its a case of brum wanting all the money up front and we are offering a fee based on all sorts of crap 0 appeances, promotion etc? It wouldn't surprised me and would delay things. I reckon terms with Campbell have been agreed -just the fee to be sorted.
If true fair play to him. If he wants to play for a team that looks like a McDonalds 11 then fair enough.

Would be f*cked off big time in reality!
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