Nikos On Way Out !

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Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"
Ashov said:
Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"

well, it's in the NOTW, so i'll assume that it's fact :roll:
Lord_Cobley said:
Ashov said:
Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"

well, it's in the NOTW, so i'll assume that it's fact :roll:

We all know it's a source of reliable, objective journalism. :wink:

To be honest, I expect Dabizas to leave anyway. He hasn't really impressed me much, and he has looked a liability for us at times. He actually played very well yesterday, but we haven't seen that enough. Probably would be OK in Division 1, but I don't want players at the club who do not really want to be here.
Scowcroft said:
Lord_Cobley said:
Ashov said:
Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"

well, it's in the NOTW, so i'll assume that it's fact :roll:

We all know it's a source of reliable, objective journalism. :wink:

To be honest, I expect Dabizas to leave anyway. He hasn't really impressed me much, and he has looked a liability for us at times. He actually played very well yesterday, but we haven't seen that enough. Probably would be OK in Division 1, but I don't want players at the club who do not really want to be here.

Who in thier right mind would wany dabizas in the prem?? Don't get me wrong I'd like him to look after our pet giraffe (heath) next season, to think there's going to be prem clubs cueing up for him..

he's havin a bubble bath surely? :lol:
RoyFox said:
Scowcroft said:
Lord_Cobley said:
Ashov said:
Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"

well, it's in the NOTW, so i'll assume that it's fact :roll:

We all know it's a source of reliable, objective journalism. :wink:

To be honest, I expect Dabizas to leave anyway. He hasn't really impressed me much, and he has looked a liability for us at times. He actually played very well yesterday, but we haven't seen that enough. Probably would be OK in Division 1, but I don't want players at the club who do not really want to be here.

Who in thier right mind would wany dabizas in the prem?? Don't get me wrong I'd like him to look after our pet giraffe (heath) next season, to think there's going to be prem clubs cueing up for him..

he's havin a bubble bath surely? :lol:

I'm in agreement, I can't think of ANY Premiership club who would take him on. I suspect he's looking for a club back in Greece or in Europe somewhere to supposedly 'enhance' his international prospects. Apparently, before joining us, there were other foreign clubs interested in him, so those options may still be available for him.
The 'Nudes of the World' is about as reliable as Ashov posting more than 4 words! :wink:

Pet Giraffe!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have to admit I think we should fcvk Dabizas off, I worry for our defence next season if we keep Heath & Dabizas. Nikos has been nothing short of dog mess, I am so pissed off aswell because whenever I saw him when he played for Newcastle he looked steady. Typical crap player being carried in a good team though and he's come here without a care in the world.

Get Stearman in, I don't know how many times I have to say it. We have the next John Terry/Rio Ferdinand on our books.
As with Scimeca, can anyone on here put their hand on their heart and say it would be a disaster if Dabizas goes ?

No, of course you wouldn't. He's looked average at best, and I strongly suspect he won't fancy a cold winter's afternoon in Rotherham or Crewe.

F*ck him off, say I, if he's not up for it. I'm sure Biormingham will take him - they're signing up as many ex leicester players as they can.
If any player doesn't want to stay, don't stand in their way. Let 'em bogoff.
Personally I'll be glad to see the back of some of them!!!
When is the retaining list due out? Does it mention 31,500 City fans or 21,000 season ticket holders? Coz we're gonna need them .:wink:
xsubmariner said:
If any player doesn't want to stay, don't stand in their way. Let 'em bogoff.
Personally I'll be glad to see the back of some of them!!!
When is the retaining list due out? Does it mention 31,500 City fans or 21,000 season ticket holders? Coz we're gonna need them .:wink:

Today mate! Looking forward to it
With the obvious exception of Muzzy I will only be really pissed off if any of the following aren't with us net season
Obvously I'm only including first teamers.Other than those 6 I can live with any others going,we need a good clearout.There are others who I'd like us to keep but I wouldn't be too gutted if they weren't.
I think Dabizas could be the root of all evil. Maybe him going would exorcise our club and we can fly like angels again.
Get Stearman in, I don't know how many times I have to say it. We have the next John Terry/Rio Ferdinand on our books.

I can't believe Stearman is 16, just checked his DOB out = 19 August 1987

I don't think he will play next year then........
Scowcroft said:
Get Stearman in, I don't know how many times I have to say it. We have the next John Terry/Rio Ferdinand on our books.

I can't believe Stearman is 16, just checked his DOB out = 19 August 1987

I don't think he will play next year then........

He is ready, must be a million times better than Heath.
Yeh, thats why i say we have a great youth team. He started the season 15 years old, and has progressed from a regular in the U-17's, to a regular in the U-19's, to a reserve team player, and England Internation at his level. I'd send him out on loan at some point next season.
Petrescu said:
Yeh, thats why i say we have a great youth team. He started the season 15 years old, and has progressed from a regular in the U-17's, to a regular in the U-19's, to a reserve team player, and England Internation at his level. I'd send him out on loan at some point next season.

Both him and Levi Porter were extremely impressive for England in the European Youth championships. Particuarly Stearman.
trickytrev said:
Petrescu said:
Yeh, thats why i say we have a great youth team. He started the season 15 years old, and has progressed from a regular in the U-17's, to a regular in the U-19's, to a reserve team player, and England Internation at his level. I'd send him out on loan at some point next season.

Both him and Levi Porter were extremely impressive for England in the European Youth championships. Particuarly Stearman.

Porter has come on leaps and bounds by the sounds of it, might struggle though with his height but look at Wright-Phillips for inspiration. Louis Dodds is another cracking little player, add to that O'Grady, Petrescu, Wesolowski, Graham, Stearman and Dawson and there's got to be one or two that will make it!

Has anyone heard of John Peacock? Basically he is the England Under 17/18 coach, his wife works at Nuneaton College where my fiance is at. I get her to ask the bird to ask her husband certain info on the Leicester lads! Stearman gets the best praise i've heard about a young player in a long time.
I think we could see some of the academy lads get a run out next season, Petrescu, I hope you're right and we do have some quality coming through the ranks.

Micky has a plan. Champions league in 4 years time. :shock:
Ashov said:
Just saw a piece of news on Dabizas in the News Of The World !

Nikos Dabizas may activate a get out clause in his Leicester contract to save his World Cup dreams.The Greec defender 30, has been asked to stay by Foxes boss Micky Adamsbut is not looking forward to a season in Division 1 following relegation.Dabizas said " At the stage of my career, with the world cup qualifers only months away, every decison is vital"

Good he's been crap except for 2 games
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