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Really? You can't know many people then. I would wager the circa 7m readers of the NOTW won't have any idea for instance. I don't have much idea through my own ignorance. I would be surprised if half the people I know would know much about it.

I knew someone would save me the bother of writing that.
Maybe I lack perspective on this because I actively go looking for information rather than waiting to be spoon fed, or maybe I expect too much of people, but I'd be very surprised if there were many people who didn't know about the major stories in Africa.

I'd say that you probably expect too much of people then :)

Maybe it's a generational thing (sorry...that wasn't meant as another dig) but from my experience people know very little about the severity of the situation in Africa, and are even further away from doing anything about it.

Here he is

The African issue was what I was referring to.
Trouble is people have less disposable income due to the recession and as Swede Fox mentions people are unsure that the money will not get where it should and will only end up in the hands of those who will use it to buy guns etc.

I'm sorry, but that's rubbish. The trouble is selfishness and willful ignorance. There are few people who could not sacrifice a luxury to help someone more in need, myself included. It's just that most chose not to.
Maybe it's a generational thing (sorry...that wasn't meant as another dig)

How old do you think BM is? He's certainly not a generation ahead of you.
Really? You can't know many people then. I would wager the circa 7m readers of the NOTW won't have any idea for instance. I don't have much idea through my own ignorance. I would be surprised if half the people I know would know much about it.
Shows what I know. Extraordinary.
It's only because all of his posts are so full of wisdom.

*stops digging*
If someone is genuinely effected by events involving death to those they know and love then maybe an Internet forum is not the place to seek consolation?
I disagree. I've benefitted in the past from internet messsages of support I've received following a tragedy and I hope other people who have shared things on here have too. Sometimes it's hard to turn just to your own family and close friends when they are suffering too and you are having to comfort them at the same time.

I feel it's sad that a thread about this tragedy has turned into argument. It's getting to the stage where no one will bother posting for fear of being attacked.
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I feel it's sad that a thread about this tragedy has turned into arguement. It's getting to the stage where no one will bother posting for fear of being attacked.

I feel it's sad that so many people see discussions as arguments. To disagree with somebody's opinion is not to attack them; if people think that everybody who disagrees with them is attacking them, perhaps they should not be posting on internet forums in the first place.
Back to the original topic

The numbers killed are now 93 after one died in hospital today. 86 killed at Utoya, 7 in Oslo.
4 or 5 persons have not been found at Utoya.
1 or 2 persons are missing in Oslo
66 persons are injured and in hospital.
31 of the 66 injured are criticaly injured, 20 from Utoya incident, 11 from oslo incident
Solitary confinement can be harsh.

I just want to say I had not seen this post. It did make me LOL as did the suggested punishment. If I had posted this and no one had clapped me I would have had a jolly old moan. Friday night wine time again. :038:
I just re-read a bit of this thread. I feel my previous post while attempting humour at my state of mind this time last week, probably best not expressed in this thread. The incidents in Oslo I did find deeply shocking. I hope no offence was taken. Especially those seeking consonance on an internet forum.
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