Pearson Sacked!

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On another point, when was the last player manager in the Premier League?
Bit of time to reflect.

I think if you are a manager who gets a team promoted, who keeps them in the premier league in the first season and puts together that end of season run...and you still get must be an utter bastard to work with.

So that's my uninformed view. He did brilliantly and still got sacked. Must be a bit of a git.

I'm sad to see him go and obvious concerned for the upcoming season...But I suspect they just didn't feel they could keep him around if the relationship soured.
Looking at what little snippets are coming out from journalists, it would appear it is very much linked to the departure of Pearson Jnr, if this is indeed the case then I hope the fans would refrain from blaming them for what has materialised since.

It was always going to be very difficult in the aftermath of such a high profile incident and IMO the club made the right decision, unfortunately Nigel as a father does not agree and subsequently this has created a divide too great to overcome.

Given the breakdown in working relationship, I would rather we made a change now where we give a new Manager the opportunity to come in and have a full pre season with the squad. I also very much doubt this all just blew up in the last couple of days , I would imagine the writing has been on the wall since the incident in Thailand and therefore would not surprise me if potential successors had already been considered and discussed.
Looking at the betting, I doubt if we have ever had such a high profile list of names associated with a manager vacancy. This isn't to say that any of them are going to be any good.

Pearson did fantastic for us, but it's difficult to deny that he tends to get involved in OTT incidents which would create big waves in any organisation. Assuming he dug his heels in about the sacking of his son then while it was a natural reaction its difficult to see how this wan't going to end in a split with the owners.

As a footnote, I suggest that in future they scrap the club end of season holiday tours.
Before I start this post, I'd just like to say I agree fully with the sacking of Pearson Jnr.

So in my theorically world I wonder Pearson was annoyed because thet tarred all three racist orgy players with the same brush?
I watched the video and don't remember seeing Pearson Jnr involved that much. He wasn't having a sex act performed on him, and he didn't use any racist slurs. Maybe this is what caused the differences.

I would imagine a conversation along the following;
Thais: "All 3 of the players must be sacked"
Pearson: "But my son wasn't involved in a sex act (on camera) and wasn't using any racist slurs"
Thais: "It doesn't matter. He was there and bought shame to the club"
Pearson: "It does matter. We must have an investigation and look at the facts not the media"
Thais: "We can't sack two of the players and not your son. That would look like favoriatism towards him"
Pearson: "Something arsy"
Thais: "Maybe if you had bought your son up better he wouldn't have done this"
Pearson: "Something even more arsey"
Thais: "You're fired"

I don't know a load about Asia culture, but I believe they have very strong family ties. What shames the son, shames the father and all that.
There is a new rumour going around that NP had a shi*t in Top's helicopter....
Before I start this post, I'd just like to say I agree fully with the sacking of Pearson Jnr.

So in my theorically world I wonder Pearson was annoyed because thet tarred all three racist orgy players with the same brush?
I watched the video and don't remember seeing Pearson Jnr involved that much. He wasn't having a sex act performed on him, and he didn't use any racist slurs. Maybe this is what caused the differences.

I would imagine a conversation along the following;
Thais: "All 3 of the players must be sacked"
Pearson: "But my son wasn't involved in a sex act (on camera) and wasn't using any racist slurs"
Thais: "It doesn't matter. He was there and bought shame to the club"
Pearson: "It does matter. We must have an investigation and look at the facts not the media"
Thais: "We can't sack two of the players and not your son. That would look like favoriatism towards him"
Pearson: "Something arsy"
Thais: "Maybe if you had bought your son up better he wouldn't have done this"
Pearson: "Something even more arsey"
Thais: "You're fired"

I don't know a load about Asia culture, but I believe they have very strong family ties. What shames the son, shames the father and all that.

I like that, a lot
Mirror article suggests it was differences during a discussion to plan the next season rather than about Pearson Jnr. If that is the case then this is more confusing.

I hope not but perhaps the owners are being over ambitious and Nigel was being more realistic?

I suppose the choice of next manager will reveal how ambitious they really are.
Mirror article suggests it was differences during a discussion to plan the next season rather than about Pearson Jnr. If that is the case then this is more confusing.

I hope not but perhaps the owners are being over ambitious and Nigel was being more realistic?

I suppose the choice of next manager will reveal how ambitious they really are.

It would seem strange for the newspaper that broke the 'Thai incident' to then not refer to it if it was the cause of the sacking.
I was really shocked when I heard this, but the more I mull over it the less shocked I am. Nothing's permanent these days I suppose. Apart from the equipment hanging from Homer's wall on his " party " nights I suppose.
Would it be too cynical to consider this may have been planned for a while but the owners wanted to ensure some key contract extensions/transfers were tied up before they were jeopardised?
Would it be too cynical to consider this may have been planned for a while but the owners wanted to ensure some key contract extensions/transfers were tied up before they were jeopardised?

For this to be true would they not need to have another manager lined up already who could have also given the green light to these signings? I can't see any manager agreeing to come here unless they have input on who is signed.
I do wonder if Nigel didn't want Shinji but was forced and it caused a rift. Maybe he didn't fit in with the ethos after scouting him last season.
Steve Walsh Snr seemed quite keen on Shinji in his interview, so at a guess I would have though Pearson would have been the same. Unless Walsh Snr knew NP was on the way out..................
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