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Do you cheer when Leicester score?

I can just imagine you when Leicester were beating Arsenal 1-0 at Highbury....

" We would of been 3 nil up now if he would of played Petrescu, Wesolowski and Wright"

Get over it mate, be happy :)
No. I was just amazed by seeing us actually passing the ball on tv for the first time ever and then scoring... :roll:
I think we need to lay off Petrescu.

He wants what's best for this club - His opinion is as good as anyone else's on these boards. I may not neccessarily agree with them, but we shouldn't stop people having opinions.
Scowcroft said:
I think we need to lay off Petrescu.

He wants what's best for this club - His opinion is as good as anyone else's on these boards. I may not neccessarily agree with them, but we shouldn't stop people having opinions.

fair doos but can't he lay off the moaning for a bit.
Scowcroft said:
I think we need to lay off Petrescu.

He wants what's best for this club - His opinion is as good as anyone else's on these boards. I may not neccessarily agree with them, but we shouldn't stop people having opinions.

spot on! its a public forum where everyone has an opinion.

SO..... Mcateer is CRAP!!
Ricey said:
Negative or not, Petrescu makes some very good points.

Petrescu's views are usually well founded.

There is a downside to the way that the club has been managed in recent years & its well known as over-reliance on time expired players, short termism in acquisitions & an unattractive playing style.

There are positives as well -MA's honesty, his good track record in achieving success with lower division clubs & his ability to inspire loyalty from the majority of supporters.

But without a fine stadium & an excellent fan base -the club would now be in pretty dire straits.
Petrescu is just an attention seeker, he moans because he knows he will get a reaction from us. If this was a Man U forum he would find something to moan about. I can understand some criticism towards City but not constant moaning about who we sign, why we have signed them and City are doomed before we even kick a ball. I have also moaned last season mainly about Scowcroft but what is the point of always finding something to complain about when it is your favourite team, we have to stay positive. As MA always says "Keep the faith".
I find myself agreeing with Pet Rescue. This policy of signing other clubs' unwanted players failed last year, so why should it work this year?
Steven said:
I find myself agreeing with Pet Rescue. This policy of signing other clubs' unwanted players failed last year, so why should it work this year?

I too agree with him, after realeasing so many why bring players of the same standard in even less so in some cases, if we want to rebuild properly start from the bottom give the younger players a chance, yeh we may take a few beatings but i see it as the way it should be done.
Steven said:
I find myself agreeing with Pet Rescue. This policy of signing other clubs' unwanted players failed last year, so why should it work this year?

How many ******* times do people have to be told we've got no money?

The majority of the players we can sign will have to be other teams unwanted players, because they're free and often they'll take a big wage cut to get a new club.

Doing the same thing may have 'failed' last year, but at least doing that didn't get us further into debt. Paying transfer fees for younger players wouldn't necessarily have made the team any better, it would just have been more of a financial risk, a risk we can't take.
Surely the biggest risk is not being in the top flight (PL). All the time we spend out of the PL puts us at risk and we have to wiegh the balance of where the risk lies.

It could be that by acquiring these unwanted players the chances of getting back in the PL is smaller and so the risk is greater. This is what I feel.
Touchy. I know we have no money. But it doesnt mean whenever a player over the age of 30 becomes available we have to get straight in there, its what we are doing, and i dont like it.
How much did Liam Lawrence cost?
webmaster said:
Steven said:
I find myself agreeing with Pet Rescue. This policy of signing other clubs' unwanted players failed last year, so why should it work this year?

How many ******* times do people have to be told we've got no money?

The majority of the players we can sign will have to be other teams unwanted players, because they're free and often they'll take a big wage cut to get a new club.

Doing the same thing may have 'failed' last year, but at least doing that didn't get us further into debt. Paying transfer fees for younger players wouldn't necessarily have made the team any better, it would just have been more of a financial risk, a risk we can't take.

I think that it becomes a problem when people see a burnt out name-that-was & think -ah yes, Micky will be in there" and he is.

With respect, Webmaster - your thinking is too much 'in the box' and some out of the box thinking is required - i.e. the club's management should be seeking to bring in some unearthed talent from here or overseas -its all too predictable at the moment & I can't see it working. I want to be wrong but my feeling is that we will be no further forward in team building a year from now.

Finally, there is a bit of debate about whether there is any talent or not in the Academy - one thing is for sure, we're not likely to find out much if Micky sticks to his routine. My recollection is that whilst Tommy Wright didn't have a particularly amazing game in the crucial clash with Forest in April 2004 -nonetheless he showed one or two touches (leaving aside the goal) of arrogance which looked a bit promising. I think it was a shame last year to farm him out & bring in the likes of Craig Hignett -he was supposed to be learning from Sir Les as I understood the pre-season statements.
The difference this time is that we are a worse league. An indifferent squad can do wonders in this league. Hence Crystal Palace have been promoted and a nuimber of poor teams made the play off. There is no requirement for flair or imagination in division 1, just win the games and get us promoted!! All of the signs so far will do well in division 1. I for one don't feel that it is fair to gamble on the youngsters and have a poor season 'bedding' them or worse relegated.
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