
Do you think we're going down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 55.3%
  • No

    Votes: 38 44.7%

  • Total voters
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Brown Nose

Well-Known Member
We City supporters appear to be generally quite pessimistic about the remainder of the season. Nobody has lost more than us. We cannot defend. We're piss poor in midfield. We're a random mess up front. We're leadersless. Our manager is useless. We're ****ed.

However. I've had a look at a three sources of independent analysis of our prospects.

1. The Opta supercomputer reckons that there are six sides more likely to be relegated than us. We're rated as having a 13% chance of going down.

2. The FiveThirtyEight predictor is very similar. It gives us a 15% chance of relegation with seven sides more likely.

3. Paddy Power have us as seventh favourites to do down at 4/1.

I've also heard several journalists almost dismiss fears of us going down by saying things like 'they've got too much quality' or 'they'll score enough goals' and 'they could easily win four in a row'.

And then what about the club hierachy. They clearly have faith in Rodgers and expect us to survive. When you read or listen to Rodgers, he acknowledges the situation but doesn't really seem to be overly worried about it. When the players are interviewed, they also seem quite confident.

Do we know better than the bookies, the data, the independent journalists, the club hierarchy, manager and players? Are we catastrophising?

Are we going down? It's time to show how you think things will play out. Say what you think will happen - yes or no. And once you've picked, you can't change your mind.
The players simply don’t have the stomach for it. They’re an unbelievably soft bunch.
It's so difficult to say what will happen. The bookies and pundits see as too good but they don't concentrate on how weak we are in too many areas. Currently

We shouldn't be down there. West Hanm shouldn't. Everton? Well, maybe. I see West Hanm doing better later on this season, I DON'T like the fact that we play them last game, I think they have more fight, but I don't scutinise how they are playing.

Half of our team are trying too hard and the other half have no confidence and are not performing and not many of us can see it changing - but it could. Captain Maddison could turn us around. Could. Maybe. Perhaps.

I don't think it's as bleak as some do but I would not be shocked if we go down.
'Do You Think We're Going Down?' - I really don't know. I'm 60-40 going down. Anything could happen in the next 5 minutes, 5 games, 5 weeks.

Would going down do us good? We're going to have to re-build the team soon anyway.
As a club we’re massively in denial about the situation we’re currently in. We’re sleepwalking towards relegation.

If we do manage to escape it this season, it’s not going to be much better next season with no Tielemans or Maddison.

We’re completely ****ed as a club.
If Kristiansen & Maddison stay fit, we will survive
I don't care how 'too good to go down we are (according to the pundits)', we're simply not playing as a team and there is seemingly no willingness to acknowledge the situation we're in and adapt.

Rodgers will continue to play us his way when it is glaringly obvious that it's not working. The players know it, feel it, and that's being reflected on the pitch in their attitude and desire. We have no fight because we don't believe in the manager, we don't believe in the way we play, and we don't believe we can win. Heads drop as they feel that loss is inevitable, a kind of 'told you so' resignation. We have patches were we look okay but that's quickly snuffed out as our weakness is exposed all too easily. It all emanates from Rodgers, and he's too fekking arrogant to change. We're down unless he stops ****ing around with his ludicrous personal ambition to show he can win playing his kind of football.

Honest to god, the women's team showed more fight, desire and belief at Spurs on Weds than the men do... and the women have been at the bottom of the table from the outset.
Just three of the bottom eleven sides sticking with their manager now.

Cooper is understandable. Moyes and Rodgers are both being backed based on previous achievements and crossing fingers.

It will be interesting to see whether the faith in the manager pays off for the three of us.
I've voted no but it's a very close thing.

My main reason is that Rodgers has managed us to a sudden upsurge in results out of nowhere three times over the last year.

On the downside I don't trust the manager or players one bit.
It's the sort of scenario where you could do with someone like Wes Morgan, Robert Huth, or maybe even Kasper, in the dressing room. I don't think we have enough characters for this.
I've voted no but it's a very close thing.

My main reason is that Rodgers has managed us to a sudden upsurge in results out of nowhere three times over the last year.

On the downside I don't trust the manager or players one bit.

I voted no for the same reason.

I also think there's just enough teams who are worse than or as bad as us that we'll be safe.

I don't think we'll go down - but I do think we could go down.
It's the sort of scenario where you could do with someone like Wes Morgan, Robert Huth, or maybe even Kasper, in the dressing room. I don't think we have enough characters for this.
Kasper was a massive loss.

Even if he wasn't playing, he'd still add so much more to this squad.

Vardy and Evans really need to step up and show some leadership in the coming weeks.
Kasper was a massive loss.

Even if he wasn't playing, he'd still add so much more to this squad.

Vardy and Evans really need to step up and show some leadership in the coming weeks.

Bit hard when they’re sat on the treatment table at Seagrave, or sat on the bench watching Daka pretend to be a professional footballer

Schmeichel would have been screaming blue murder at the back four on the pitch to sort their shit out
I can see us going down. The club are totally in denial of there being a problem. According to Madders we can play like we did v Southampton and be fine. When one of the few players we have who aren't completely shit have that attitude it's worrying.
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