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The cant afford a fee, so there is no chance of it happening. If someone did happen to come in with a not inconsiderable amount of cash, I for oen would not be so dissapointed to see Micky take it. Although I do think he will do a good job fur us next year.
Quite seriously I hope he F***s off tomorrow. I would say he is one of the most dangerous players we have, he is such a libability its untrue!!

I'd rather play matt jones in dedense (just like one faitful boxing day many a year ago)
Is it wishful thinking on the tress behalf?
Least it has given Canero a run out whilst Scimeca is injured. Where does Scimeca think his best position is? :roll:
I expect this is the start of the rumour-window opening, and I doubt there is any truth in it. We have Scimeca contracted for another year anyway so Forest would have to buy him off us. If it is true that he's unhappy and wants to leave, I won't be begging him to stay, he's been fairly consistently 'good' but not more than that, imo. If he wants to go back to Forest, let him (for a reasonable amount of course :wink: ).
trickytrev said:
The cant afford a fee

How much do you think you would get ? No more than £250k which is pocket change to Doughty.

Scowcroft said:
Speculated crap.
Actually it is not.

All being well, Riccy will be a Forest player again next season.
Scowcroft said:
Speculated crap.
Actually it is not.

All being well, Riccy will be a Forest player again next season.


Yes it is, because you can't prove otherwise........
Not too sure how I feel about this, he has been average this season but steady enough to warrant his place in the squad, especially in division one next year. I would be worried if we let him go for nothing, because I don't think we could get anyone much better than him on a free if were in division one. If we got say £300k for him then I might be persuaded to let him go, because there is a certain player called Martyn Corrighan from Motherwell who is equally as flexible in where he can play and a very, very good player.
I seriously hope Riccy stays with us. Think of the mass exodus that WILL occur in the summer with so many 1 year contracts. Riccy has been probably our most consistent player throughout the course of the season. He has looked at home in every position he has played. Yes he has made one or two little errors recently, but compared to dabizas, impey, sinclair and even thatcher he's not made as many. He will be an excellent division one player as was proved when he played for f@$*&% and he is one we certainly must endeavour to keep hold of.
I feel sorry for Scimeca as he has never had a settled spot. Given the way MA has messed players around this season he will not be the only one not happy at having to play a number of positions.
Fox Fan said:
Quite seriously I hope he F***s off tomorrow. I would say he is one of the most dangerous players we have, he is such a libability its untrue!!

I'd rather play matt jones in dedense (just like one faitful boxing day many a year ago)

I think this is wholly unfair. Scimeca has done a job for us this season and done it as well as he can. To abuse him in such a way is a disgrace.

Next season Scimeca is going to be unbelievably important! There has been so much bad feeling going out to players recently on here and it's damn right awful to read.

We are supporters aren't we? Well then support rather than whinging on like a bunch of old woman with false teeth and itchy arses.

Joe_Fox said:
I think this is wholly unfair. Scimeca has done a job for us this season and done it as well as he can. To abuse him in such a way is a disgrace.

Some deserve it and some don't. :roll: Scimeca is not one of those. :wink:
Steven said:
Joe_Fox said:
I think this is wholly unfair. Scimeca has done a job for us this season and done it as well as he can. To abuse him in such a way is a disgrace.

Some deserve it and some don't. :roll: Scimeca is not one of those. :wink:

So what are you saying here Steven?
Do you think he should be slatted or not.
Riccy won't go, as if he would honestly contact a club and ask them to sign him especially a horrible poxy team like Forest.

Joe_Fox said:
Steven said:
Joe_Fox said:
I think this is wholly unfair. Scimeca has done a job for us this season and done it as well as he can. To abuse him in such a way is a disgrace.

Some deserve it and some don't. :roll: Scimeca is not one of those. :wink:

So what are you saying here Steven?
Do you think he should be slatted or not.

Not. :wink:
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