Scowcroft the tax dodging student!

Should Scowy the student get a real job or not?

  • Carry on wasting tax payers money!

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New Member
I reckon Scowcroft spends too much time on here and should get a job instead of being a tax dodging student! (not that i was a few years ago or anything!) :roll: :wink: :P
Excuse me! I have a job (part time) I have you know, and I have to pay £1200 tuition fees every year!

The cheek of it all! :evil: :lol: :wink:
This is what insomnia does to you!! Have you seen Fight Club?!

I had to pay my way through Uni too!! and I had a shite job!

£20,000 debts and not even a good job to show for it.
Thats what I got out of university, oh that and probable kidney, liver, lung and brain damage. Never mind, it was worth it.
I have a reasonable job at the moment to help pay my way though uni - I still have to play bloody taxes like the rest of you!!! :o
2205 posts in about 3 months is just criminal, I think you should be put in a cage mate, your a machine when it comes to posting. Your programmed to post threads, I bet you feel well special don't ya? :wink:

Right I wanna know about this uni thing! how much money do you get a year? Coz all my mates manage to go uni, pay for their accomadation, get obliterated every night just off their student loan!! so what's your excuse Scarecrow?
Malf said:
2205 posts in about 3 months is just criminal, I think you should be put in a cage mate, your a machine when it comes to posting. Your programmed to post threads, I bet you feel well special don't ya? :wink:

Right I wanna know about this uni thing! how much money do you get a year? Coz all my mates manage to go uni, pay for their accomadation, get obliterated every night just off their student loan!! so what's your excuse Scarecrow?

It's called an overdraft!

Why didn't you go uni, Malf?

That's not real sick Malf. :roll:
I love sick!! I bet no-one has been sick as much as me! I've got a dodgy liver, so I often ralph up after too much ale!!!! love it.

Didn'y go uni, coz I'm scared of the damage i'd cause.
Scowy, dont bother getting a job, keep posting messages here.
Has any one ever heard of any one who has been a male escort?
thats good cash apparantly, but you have to do stuff with mingers.
Blag your degree, i did and got a 2:1, really blagged it, just do work for the two weeks before exams, and coursework etc and you'll definitely get a 2:2 at least! Trust me, what Uni are you at Scowy
Joe_Fox said:
Blag your degree, i did and got a 2:1, really blagged it, just do work for the two weeks before exams, and coursework etc and you'll definitely get a 2:2 at least! Trust me, what Uni are you at Scowy

I'm at DMU. I got a 2:1 in my first year, but that doesn't really count towards anything. I Blag all my essays and I seem to do alright! :D

I don't do many hours a week at uni - Thus the large amount of time I'm on here! :lol:

I also work too, so I do earn my way......sort of. :wink:
What course are you doing mate.
Joe_Fox said:
What course are you doing mate.

Public Policy and Management. I'm on my second year now so it's getting a bit more difficult. I hate fvcking essays and I have got to do two 2500 essays before xmas! I will just have to use me blagging skills as usual. :D
Jedi said:
I reckon Scowcroft spends too much time on here and should get a job instead of being a tax dodging student! (not that i was a few years ago or anything!) :roll: :wink: :P

Well Said...

It's people like Scowcroft who give honest, hard-working, dedicated students like me a bad name...
I had a 15'000 word dissertation in my final year, it took the piss. I blagged it and got it done in 2 long weeks, plenty of coffee and slight madness due to sleep deprivation. Still got 59% on it though because the first 2000 words made sense and thats akll the markers read!
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