Is anybody listening to the game? Some info please.
45:01 Stoke substitution: Danny Higginbotham replaced by Clint Hill (injury).
45:26 Attacking throw-in by Richard Stearman(Leicester).Shot by Elvis Hammond(Leicester) drilled right-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), missed right.
48:09 Foul by Richard Stearman(Leicester) on Andy Griffin(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Lee Hendrie(Stoke) from left wing, header by Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (parried) by Conrad Logan(Leicester). Clint Hill(Stoke) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
48:45 Foul by Danny Tiatto(Leicester) on Luke Chadwick(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Michael Duberry(Stoke) from own half, passed.
49:18 Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
50:10 Cross by Luke Chadwick(Stoke), header by Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed right.
51:27 Elvis Hammond(Leicester) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Steve Simonsen(Stoke) from own half, resulting in open play.
54:55 Foul by Darren Kenton(Leicester) on Ricardo Fuller(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Lee Hendrie(Stoke) from left wing, header by Clint Hill(Stoke) from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
56:49 Shot by Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) curled right-footed from left side of penalty area (18 yards), over the bar.
58:07 Foul by Andy Griffin(Stoke) on Momo Sylla(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Danny Tiatto(Leicester) from left wing, header by Richard Stearman(Leicester) from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
59:02 Foul by Momo Sylla(Leicester) on Andy Griffin(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Steve Simonsen(Stoke) from own half, resulting in open play.
59:50 Shot by Luke Chadwick(Stoke) volleyed right-footed from right channel (20 yards), missed right. Goal kick taken long by Conrad Logan(Leicester).
60:45 Foul by Mamady Sidibe(Stoke) on Darren Kenton(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Darren Kenton(Leicester) from own half, passed.
61:41 Attacking throw-in by Iain Hume(Leicester).Cross by Iain Hume(Leicester), clearance by Darel Russell(Stoke). Shot by Iain Hume(Leicester) drilled right-footed from left channel (20 yards), save (caught) by Steve Simonsen(Stoke).
62:58 Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) booked for unsporting behaviour. Foul by Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) on Patrick McCarthy(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play. Leicester substitution: Elvis Hammond replaced by Matt Fryatt (tactical).
64:21 Defending throw-in by Andy Griffin(Stoke).Goal by Stephen Hughes(Leicester) drilled right-footed (bottom-left of goal) from right channel (25 yards).Leicester 2-1 Stoke. Assist (pass) by Richard Stearman(Leicester) from right wing.
65:03 Foul by Stephen Hughes(Leicester) on Salif Alassane Diao(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Darel Russell(Stoke) from left channel, passed.
65:45 Foul by Mamady Sidibe(Stoke) on Nils-Eric Johansson(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
66:20 Shot by Momo Sylla(Leicester) drilled right-footed from right channel (25 yards), blocked by Clint Hill(Stoke).
66:44 Foul by Iain Hume(Leicester) on Clint Hill(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Steve Simonsen(Stoke) from own half, resulting in open play.
67:15 Foul by Darel Russell(Stoke) on Momo Sylla(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
67:43 Handball by Momo Sylla(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Steve Simonsen(Stoke) from own half, resulting in open play.
68:54 Foul by Andy Johnson(Leicester) on Darel Russell(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Michael Duberry(Stoke) from own half, passed.
69:15 Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Lee Hendrie(Stoke) to centre, clearance by Darren Kenton(Leicester).
70:30 Stoke substitution: Luke Chadwick replaced by Vincent Pericard (tactical).
72:50 Foul by Andy Johnson(Leicester) on Darel Russell(Stoke). Free kick curled right-footed by Lee Hendrie(Stoke) from left channel (20 yards), over the bar. Goal kick taken long by Conrad Logan(Leicester).
73:48 Defending throw-in by Andy Griffin(Stoke).Foul by Vincent Pericard(Stoke) on Darren Kenton(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Richard Stearman(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
75:04 Foul by Darren Kenton(Leicester) on Vincent Pericard(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Andy Griffin(Stoke) from left wing, resulting in open play. Shot by Ricardo Fuller(Stoke) volleyed right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), hit bar.
76:03 Foul by Danny Tiatto(Leicester) on Michael Duberry(Stoke). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Carl Hoefkens(Stoke) from own half, resulting in open play.
78:49 Foul by Michael Duberry(Stoke) on Matt Fryatt(Leicester). Free kick drilled left-footed by Danny Tiatto(Leicester) from right channel (12 yards), over the bar.
79:42 Foul by Vincent Pericard(Stoke) on Momo Sylla(Leicester). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Conrad Logan(Leicester) from own half, resulting in open play.
81:15 Shot by Iain Hume(Leicester) drilled right-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken long by Steve Simonsen(Stoke).