Struggling with March 15th Deadline?

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I would have thought that people would be well aware of this possibility. What you didn't mention is that if you have previously defaulted in a DD arrangement with the club, you will not be afforded the chance of using the scheme this season. Apparently more than several people have already found that out.

It may be that people who are 'struggling with March 15th deadline' are more likely to be people who in general do have a struggle with their finances (and I say that without wishing to cause offence to anybody). It may therefore be that they are more likely to have defaulted in the past and therefore the deadline will remain a problem for them.
I would have thought that people would be well aware of this possibility. What you didn't mention is that if you have previously defaulted in a DD arrangement with the club, you will not be afforded the chance of using the scheme this season. Apparently more than several people have already found that out.

It may be that people who are 'struggling with March 15th deadline' are more likely to be people who in general do have a struggle with their finances (and I say that without wishing to cause offence to anybody). It may therefore be that they are more likely to have defaulted in the past and therefore the deadline will remain a problem for them.

Tell me about it. One of my payments was returned (it's been paid since) last year and the club have refused me the facility this year. As I don't have the money to pay out in one lump sum, this is one STH who will be unable to renew for next year.

It's nice to know that the finances of the club are in such a healthy state that they are in a position to turn customers away.
Tell me about it. One of my payments was returned (it's been paid since) last year and the club have refused me the facility this year. As I don't have the money to pay out in one lump sum, this is one STH who will be unable to renew for next year.

It's nice to know that the finances of the club are in such a healthy state that they are in a position to turn customers away.

Have you tried the Barclays route & see if they will give you credit (our understanding is that as long as you use the card for no other purchases, no interest will apply, so the 1.7% handling fee would be the only additional cost)
I would have thought that people would be well aware of this possibility. What you didn't mention is that if you have previously defaulted in a DD arrangement with the club, you will not be afforded the chance of using the scheme this season. Apparently more than several people have already found that out.

It may be that people who are 'struggling with March 15th deadline' are more likely to be people who in general do have a struggle with their finances (and I say that without wishing to cause offence to anybody). It may therefore be that they are more likely to have defaulted in the past and therefore the deadline will remain a problem for them.

We are trying to ensure all fans are clear that:
There isn't a minimum 3 month (so £12 fee) period set for DD's, as a number of members/fans we spoke to believed this was the case.
In which case if full payment by April or May is an option, that the DD is better than paying the % price hikes
That people getting together under one DD can save money

In terms of refusing previous default payment fans, that is fairly standard business practice
Even when the default was, in no small part, caused by the business in the first place?

I think your talking to the wrong people there SJN.

Thankfully the trust is trying to highlight alternatives to people who may not be aware, fair play to them.
how many of us have renewed already or will be doing so before the 15th??
how many of us have renewed already or will be doing so before the 15th??

It'll be long after the 15th before I renew - redundancy money fast running out I'm afraid, what with bills to pay and away matches to attend. Of course I could in theory (and in theory only) withdraw my support for away games, in which case I'll be able to take advantage of the price freeze. Interesting. Not possible, of course, but interesting.
I probably will, not sure whether to slog it for a few months high payment to get it out of the way, or spread it over 10 months for much more manageable payments and suffer the DD payments
It'll be long after the 15th before I renew - redundancy money fast running out I'm afraid, what with bills to pay and away matches to attend. Of course I could in theory (and in theory only) withdraw my support for away games, in which case I'll be able to take advantage of the price freeze. Interesting. Not possible, of course, but interesting.

That absolutely must not happen, think of Franck Rolling for Christ's sake
Have you tried the Barclays route & see if they will give you credit (our understanding is that as long as you use the card for no other purchases, no interest will apply, so the 1.7% handling fee would be the only additional cost)

It's more difficult to get a credit card than it used to be, banks are much more careful who they lend money to. This may not apply in SJN's case, but people who have been unable to pay direct debits in the past will be unlikely to get the interest free card and may only qualify for a card with a high interest rate.
It's more difficult to get a credit card than it used to be, banks are much more careful who they lend money to. This may not apply in SJN's case, but people who have been unable to pay direct debits in the past will be unlikely to get the interest free card and may only qualify for a card with a high interest rate.

... if at all.
I have a Barclay card that I never use, could I transfer to the football type? Is there any information on this?
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The FT article linked at the start of the thread includes a phone number for Barclaycard.
Lots of numbers here:

I'll ring them tomorrow.

There are lots of other credit cards that have 0% interest for new customers, and don't restrict it to just season tickets, so it might be worth shopping around.

Tbh I never use credit cards unless there's a special offer like this.I wouldn't want to be tempted to use it for anything else.
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