the old team was better then the new one

do you think adams should have brought so many players

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One strange thing is that City won the game against Portsmouth with eight players that all were at the club last season. Then if you ad Benjamin, which came on as a sub, you've got nine. Only Dabizas, Bent and Guppy were in the team among the 17 players added to the squad. John Curtis, signed by Adams in the summer, played for Portsmouth !!!!

and before you say anything i did get thi sof at

surprising isnt it? in this article also state that adams could have brought 2 definite premier quality players for 2 million each a defender and winger. what you guys think
no, we should have signed a couple of proven quality premier players, and some good nominal fee players, with youngster getting a chance if theres injuries.. wins this poll hands down.
Petrescu said:
no, we should have signed a couple of proven quality premier players, and some good nominal fee players, with youngster getting a chance if theres injuries.. wins this poll hands down.
We released so may players in the summer, our squad was desperately thin for numbers. So I think the approach Micky took at the time was the right one, but unfortunately it didn't quite work out for some.

It's alright saying we should have signed some proven Premiership players, but who realistically would have came to us?
Thats all well and good, but thats one game!! What if he had signed a couple of players with a 2mil fee and they got injured!! We would of been up shit creek without a paddle, and everyone would of said Adams should of spent the money on a bigger squad not just two players.

At the beginning of the season everone said what a great job he had done getting in that number of what we thought would be decent players. Ok it hasn't worked out but we all thought he was doing the right thing to start with.
well we could have signed a decent central defender like primus or i dunno any1 4 2 mill in tdays market.
the thing htat shoul have happened is that adams should have gone out and said to th eplayers imagine you are already down and play with no pressure, pass the ball about etc. like they did inthe begining ie:leeds game saints game etc. but we have gone hoof ball since december which has seen us fall from lower midtable to relegation. if we had played like we have now we would have won more games at home meaning we stayed up
gagandeep said:
well we could have signed a decent central defender like primus or i dunno any1 4 2 mill in tdays market.

The same Primus who Hary Redknapp admitted he didn't think was good enough, and is amazed he has played so well.

Once again were looking back with the benefit of what we know now. It's easy to say we shouldn't of bought Gillespie, Curtis and Howey but when we signed them i doubt there were many out there saying we shouldn't get them (except Curtis!!)
gagandeep said:
well we could have signed a decent central defender like primus or i dunno any1 4 2 mill in tdays market.

We had 4 million to spend on transfers and wages, no way we could have spent that one just one player with the squad so thin.
gagandeep said:
the thing htat shoul have happened is that adams should have gone out and said to th eplayers imagine you are already down and play with no pressure, pass the ball about etc. like they did inthe begining ie:leeds game saints game etc. but we have gone hoof ball since december which has seen us fall from lower midtable to relegation. if we had played like we have now we would have won more games at home meaning we stayed up

He should also of told them to play like arsenal at the beginning of the season and we would of won the league unbeaten. :roll:
no but you know what i mean, pressure free footbal then hoofball wworks better, take note micky for when we are back
gagandeep said:
no but you know what i mean, pressure free footbal then hoofball wworks better, take note micky for when we are back

Most relegated teams play better once they know they're down - Just seems to be psychological I guess.
Thats what happened when we got relegated - had a 5 game unbeaten run.

The pressure of survival comes off and the players try hard to save their careers....
thats what im saying isnt it up to the manager the players stay stress free as possible
gagandeep said:
thats what im saying isnt it up to the manager the players stay stress free as possible

Although I see what you're saying, it doesn't matter what the manager says to his players, they know they're in a relegation struggle, and that can drag you down, especially when things don't go your way.

City Fan, we went 4 games unbeaten actually. :wink:
City Fan said:
Thats what happened when we got relegated - had a 5 game unbeaten run.

The pressure of survival comes off and the players try hard to save their careers....

Every team is equal... it's not just leicester who are under pressure!!

I bet you were shtting your pants when you were taking your exams or taking a driving test, just because your mum says 'theres no pressure you can get an a* in maths' Desn't mean you will all of a sudden feel no pressure and pass it.
Some people still need a reality check - 'Could have bought 2 Prem quality at 2 mill each'.

Scowy's got it right, Micky had 4 mill for Transfer Fees, Agents Fees and Players Wages. So ONE of those 2 mill players would eat all that up and more.

Micky was right to bring in the 12 near freebies. Without those 12 we would have been playing the groundsman and the physio and we would not have had Sir Les and Marcus Bent banging in the goals, and we would have been watching our defence limp around on zimmer frames. I will not forget the embarrasment of watching van Nistelroy easily dancing around Taggs and Mad Frank at the Walkers. It would have been like that every game without Mickys Misfits.

Yes, he has made some tactical errors but I think the player squad strategy was absolutely right, and he quickly tossed back out the duds.

... and before Pet Rescue starts on about the bloody kids again; if kids are so good in the Prem, why don't all the other clubs play all their academy kids every week and save their money and lower ticket prices? (the exception is the brick shitehouse of Rooney, 18 going on 30)
Scowcroft said:
City Fan, we went 4 games unbeaten actually. :wink:

Sorry. *cough* PEDANTIC!! *cough* :wink:

Babylon said:
I bet you were shtting your pants when you were taking your exams

I haven't took them yet!! :) :wink:
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