tit for tat

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Southern Fox

New Member
McAteer = McKinlay
Wilcox = Guppy
Tiatto = Davidson
Dublin = Ferdinand

I am sorry to keep going on about it, but these signings are driving me mad. Its been said before but why clear out dead wood for someone else's dead wood.

MA had an opportunity to really give the club a spring clean and we are gathering a load of shit again.

I hope they all turn out to be good players for us and I will support them fully but the situation IMO is a bloody joke!

Southern Fox said:
McAteer = McKinlay
Wilcox = Guppy
Tiatto = Davidson
Dublin = Ferdinand

I am sorry to keep going on about it, but these signings are driving me mad. Its been said before but why clear out dead wood for someone else's dead wood.

MA had an opportunity to really give the club a spring clean and we are gathering a load of shit again.

I hope they all turn out to be good players for us and I will support them fully but the situation IMO is a bloody joke!


we have no f'ing money.... what else can we do!!!!!!

The squad is reduced age wise stop moaning.
Don't you mean shit for shite,

Apparently mickey is going through a mid-life crisis and is very sensitive now he is reaching his senior years and therefore is surrounding himself with players he probably cleaned boots for, to take him back to his prime.
Alan Cork's been given Les' number nine shirt.

Trust, where do i stand for a refund on my season ticket, is there get out clauses, small print for toss signings.
Babylon said:
Southern Fox said:
McAteer = McKinlay
Wilcox = Guppy
Tiatto = Davidson
Dublin = Ferdinand

I am sorry to keep going on about it, but these signings are driving me mad. Its been said before but why clear out dead wood for someone else's dead wood.

MA had an opportunity to really give the club a spring clean and we are gathering a load of shit again.

I hope they all turn out to be good players for us and I will support them fully but the situation IMO is a bloody joke!


we have no f'ing money.... what else can we do!!!!!!

The squad is reduced age wise stop moaning.

I cant help but moan. I fcuked off mate with these shite signings. Only Gareth Williams is worth signing. Im upset that we were under the illusion that older players were being released but not to bring in other old players. Riduclous!
Babylon said:
Southern Fox said:
McAteer = McKinlay
Wilcox = Guppy
Tiatto = Davidson
Dublin = Ferdinand

I am sorry to keep going on about it, but these signings are driving me mad. Its been said before but why clear out dead wood for someone else's dead wood.

MA had an opportunity to really give the club a spring clean and we are gathering a load of shit again.

I hope they all turn out to be good players for us and I will support them fully but the situation IMO is a bloody joke!


we have no f'ing money.... what else can we do!!!!!!

The squad is reduced age wise stop moaning.

Its not about moaning -its not even about MA - he must know enough about the game to know that the players being brought in (with the exception of Williams -if it really happens) are no better and almost certainly worse than those being replaced or already here.

Presumably, the accountants are making it clear that an on-going cutting of the wage bill goes on and on means no more decent(costly) players.

Its just sad to see the disintegration thats happened and inability to have any ambition any more - I just think it would it would be better for the club to avoid ridiculous postures like saying they have beaten off lots of clubs to obtain the signature of McAteer or that they are going to bring in adequate replacements for key players lost through the clauses farce. For God's sake, we've gone into pre-season training without one recognised striker and last season we had three decent quality strikers!

These are facts -not moans.
Micky was linked to the leeds job a lot last season apparently hes going to join them after the transfer window and is trying to sign up as much as their toss as he can to cut down on their wage bill.
I think the reason we've got rid of a lot of old players and replaced them with other older players is simply because the players we've brought in are cheaper than the ones we've got rid of :?

Problem is though, most of these players are only on short contracts I think. Wilcox has signed for a year, I don't know about the others but I'd imagine they are about the same. That means this time next year, we will probably be in the same position, having to replace most of the squad. :(

However, when slagging off our signings, don't forget that we're not just adding to our squad, strengthening our team, or even building a new team...Micky is pretty much having to build a whole a new squad, with next to nothing to spend. We have to bring in a lot of players, like we did last year, and you can't expect all of those players to be classy youngsters and top players. As I said, we're building a squad, not a team. Just because these are the first players we are getting, it doesn't mean they will necessarily go into the first team. The likes of Wilcox might have just been brought in as squad players.
Graz said:
I think the reason we've got rid of a lot of old players and replaced them with other older players is simply because the players we've brought in are cheaper than the ones we've got rid of


Its about turning out a squad with sufficient numbers but quality has gone out of the window.

This is a destructive cycle -because decent players won't want to come to Leicester when they see the other dross signings being made.

I am sure MA feels as bad about the position as we do.
Ok lads, answer me this, who the **** would you have signed instead? Come on, which brilliant youngsters are available for nothing that would agree to come to City and who would help us get out of this division?

I'd rather sign these old players for a season to get us out of this division and then start rebuilding next year when we actually have some money and the ability to attract half decent youngsters.

You're all being absolutely ridiculous to be honest. You aren't thinking the situation through at all, you seem to have no idea how badly in debt the club still is.

Not to mention the fact that MA knows infinately more than all of us put together about how to get a team promoted, so really, just stop moaning and let him get on with it.
Tom W said:
Ok lads, answer me this, who the **** would you have signed instead? Come on, which brilliant youngsters are available for nothing that would agree to come to City and who would help us get out of this division?

I'd rather sign these old players for a season to get us out of this division and then start rebuilding next year when we actually have some money and the ability to attract half decent youngsters.

You're all being absolutely ridiculous to be honest. You aren't thinking the situation through at all, you seem to have no idea how badly in debt the club still is.

Not to mention the fact that MA knows infinately more than all of us put together about how to get a team promoted, so really, just stop moaning and let him get on with it.

No -I fully understand that the club has no apparant resources. I also recognise that MA is a fooball man and I am not.

But ,do you seriously think that MA is happy with what is going on?

IMO you are being quite unrealistic if you think that the squad being assembled is likely to get promotion - this has all the signs of being a very weak outfit indeed & even if the overall standard in the league is less than outstanding -I would think that there will be a cluster of clubs with better squads and more resources to improve them come the next transfer window.

For instance, who is going to score the necessary number of goals?
Lee Morris( rarely fit) , Trevor Benjamin ( great trier - but lacks ability at any professional level) , James Scowcroft (maybe 10 plus goals if plays up front)?
Graz said:
Problem is though, most of these players are only on short contracts I think. Wilcox has signed for a year, I don't know about the others but I'd imagine they are about the same. That means this time next year, we will probably be in the same position, having to replace most of the squad. :(

But this time next year all the t*ylor era contracts will have ended, which will save £5 million a year in wages. So we might have more money to spend on decent (younger) players.
webmaster said:
Graz said:
Problem is though, most of these players are only on short contracts I think. Wilcox has signed for a year, I don't know about the others but I'd imagine they are about the same. That means this time next year, we will probably be in the same position, having to replace most of the squad. :(

But this time next year all the t*ylor era contracts will have ended, which will save £5 million a year in wages. So we might have more money to spend on decent (younger) players.

Let's hope so - this season looks like damage limitation to me - it would be good to think that things will change then -after all there is a decent fan base and excellent facilities. If that is the strategy I think that the club would win friends by spelling it out to supporters and asking for their loyalty during a depressing time.
Graz said:
I think the reason we've got rid of a lot of old players and replaced them with other older players is simply because the players we've brought in are cheaper than the ones we've got rid of :?

Problem is though, most of these players are only on short contracts I think. Wilcox has signed for a year, I don't know about the others but I'd imagine they are about the same. That means this time next year, we will probably be in the same position, having to replace most of the squad. :(

However, when slagging off our signings, don't forget that we're not just adding to our squad, strengthening our team, or even building a new team...Micky is pretty much having to build a whole a new squad, with next to nothing to spend. We have to bring in a lot of players, like we did last year, and you can't expect all of those players to be classy youngsters and top players. As I said, we're building a squad, not a team. Just because these are the first players we are getting, it doesn't mean they will necessarily go into the first team. The likes of Wilcox might have just been brought in as squad players.

Exactly, a great point. I know that we have to sign players for a short time because they might not be good enough if we get promoted to the Premiership but then again, with signing players on 1 year contracts, there isn't much passion in them to succeed for us. Normally, when a player sign for a club, The other players try to settle him in and make him feel at home. With Leicester this is not there.
weluvulesta said:
I know that we have to sign players for a short time because they might not be good enough if we get promoted to the Premiership but then again, with signing players on 1 year contracts, there isn't much passion in them to succeed for us.

Players on one year contracts are playing for their future career. If they don't do well they might not get another club. So there's more incentive for them to do well than there is for a player on a long contract who knows he'll still have a high paid job no matter how badly he performs.
Southern Fox said:
MA had an opportunity to really give the club a spring clean and we are gathering a load of shit again.

How on Earth did Micky have ths opportunity? He's got no money.
There's no need to feel sorry for him, just understand the situation. Its about time you showed a little more respect for Micky after all he has done for the club, when many managers would have jumped ship.
FNQ said:
There's no need to feel sorry for him, just understand the situation. Its about time you showed a little more respect for Micky after all he has done for the club, when many managers would have jumped ship.
Why would he do that, that would harm his career. Yes he's been through a hard time last season but he chose to manage. If he cant hack it he'd of left, he proved he can take the pressure but this summer his signings and interests in players are shocking to say the least. Wilcox and McAteer and shockers, and then theres the players we thankfully missed out on.. Hayles. And then the players we are interested in, Don Hutchinson and Dougie Freedmen. He aint beyond critism. I praised him for releasing the shit and then getting Williams. But he's taking the experience too far. I respect him but i dont like what he;'s doing so i say so.
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