We are going to need a bigger boat ... sorry stadium!

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im not going to this game..i was in 2 minds before the burnley game but im now definately not going ill still be able to watch it on tv but i will have the luxury of switching it over :icon_bigg

You'll regret it. This'll be the game that turns around our whole season.
well i hope so but im still not going and bearing in mind that despite been given a vote of confidence from his chairman/board dave jones has 2 games left to save his job and i think the 2nd of those games is against us
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Feck me - they're GIVING tickets away and you're all still moaning :icon_roll

It's a live Sky game on a Monday night in winter, and we are playing like shite

It's just a way to stop the crowd from being an unmitigated embarrassing PR disaster, and is a pretty good idea IMO

If you haven't got any friends (which I suspect might be true) or relatives that you want to give them to, then go and find some poor fecker who can't afford a season ticket and give them the feckin' tickets

Found myself reading this and thinking, that's exaclty what I was about to write. Very worrying times indeed.
Found myself reading this and thinking, that's exaclty what I was about to write. Very worrying times indeed.

Could i have anyones 2 tickets please, i work in Manchester and i would be happy to come to this game as i am not a ST holder?


Found myself reading this and thinking, that's exaclty what I was about to write. Very worrying times indeed.

Me too.....can't f*cking please some people.
Mandaric is dammed if he does and dammed if he don't. With this sort of attitude, I don't know why he don't just cut his losses and do one! Yeah he is here to make money but some things just ain't worth it and it wouldn't surprise me if that is exactly how he is thinking i.e Stick your club and see how you get on without me!
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Milan is offering every season ticket holder 2 free tickets to the Cardiff game, as a thank you for supporting our current sack of sh*te!

I think we have about 13000 STs, so that would mean a maximum of 39000 + 8000 casual walk-ups + 2000 away fans = 49000.

Of course it assumes every ST knows 2 people who aren't STs who would want to watch this sorry sack of sh*te for free!

Nice Jaws reference.
Seeing as everyone is advertising tickets

Does anyone want some tickets for the Verve ?

Unfortunately it is in Belfast :icon_wink
Me too.....can't f*cking please some people.
Mandaric is dammed if he does and dammed if he don't. With this sort of attitude, I don't know why he don't just cut his losses and do one! Yeah he is here to make money but some things just ain't worth it and it wouldn't surprise me if that is exactly how he is thinking i.e Stick your club and see how you get on without me!

I don't think is the sort of issue to praise or lambast MM for, I doubt if he had any involvement in the decision at all, the club have been doing deals like this every now and then for the last few seasons.
well im not a season ticket holder and ive just had a letter through from city saying because it was my birthday recently they want me to have a birthday present on them! yep! a ticket for the cardiff game for only a £5! and if i wanna bring along someone else its £10 per ticket :090:
happy birthday.....i think?
:icon_bigg thank you, it was last saturday so there even late sending me the letter!! ................ somehow i think i,l be watching it in the pub.
:icon_bigg thank you, it was last saturday so there even late sending me the letter!! ................ somehow i think i,l be watching it in the pub.

Why would you spoil a good evening's drinking ?
i use it as an excuse to drown my sorrows, i drink in the pubs in exeter so everybody supports man utd,so the only shoulder to cry on is mr jim beam.
Some strange feckers are never happy are they? Sort of people that would be happy to wake up on Christmas Day and find a turd in their stocking. Shocking.
well im not a season ticket holder and ive just had a letter through from city saying because it was my birthday recently they want me to have a birthday present on them! yep! a ticket for the cardiff game for only a £5! and if i wanna bring along someone else its £10 per ticket :090:

My daughter IS a season ticket holder and today got the same letter.

A few days ago, my wife also, a season ticket holder, got a letter saying the club had not seen her for a while and would she like to buy any tickets.

If we put the comical aspect to one side for a minute, this really is crass and a waste of time and money and shows a total lack of decent database management.
My daughter IS a season ticket holder and today got the same letter.

A few days ago, my wife also, a season ticket holder, got a letter saying the club had not seen her for a while and would she like to buy any tickets.

If we put the comical aspect to one side for a minute, this really is crass and a waste of time and money and shows a total lack of decent database management.

well im a season ticket holder and so is my old man and we never get a ****ing letter.....they can stick there letters and free tickets...this clubs in such a ****ing mess....milan out! ****ing clueless.
The club tries to do something proactive, it tries to please the season ticket holders, it trys to get more support for a game that is set for an all time recent low attendance. What's the nett result?, a bunch of moaning, ungrateful, self pitying wankers.

FFS, you as a season ticket holder are receiving 2 free tickets to with what you will!!!!, so do what you fcuking like with them and shut the fcuk up complaining.

What d'you suggest the club to get more people in on that night?, give them away in the streets?, give discounted prices?, special offers?, No!!, because you'd fcuking complain about this even more.

Well done City, take no notice of this bunch of fukwits, I see it as you taking action to rescue our ever dwindling crowds. Maybe it won't work, but it certainly won't if you don't try.

Milan: Would you season ticket holders like two free tickets to do with as you please?
Crowd: No thank you, you tight arsed twat.
Milan: Blimey, now I'm confused, I thought you lot might have had more intelligence than that.
Crowd: We want Steve Walsh back as Manager, Gary Megson, what a wanker, what a wanker.

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