Can see what you're saying. But...
You gotta look at it in terms of - for a long time this club has been going nowhere, and has had no real force to drive it to success. As much as the people who used to run the club
wanted us to move forward, they were never really capable of doing so.
Now MM has come along, and he wants to drive this club to success (for some unknown reason to us!). There would be no free coaches without him, so why shouldn't he announce it and gain the adulation of the fans for it?
As much as I don't for a minute doubt the intentions and hearts of the previous people who ran the club, we were never going anywhere. Now we have got someone who means business and wants to do what he can to bring success to the club - which he is capable of doing.
You say it's as if MM is Hume and TD is Maybury. That's true in terms of what they
can achieve. I don't doubt TD's heart but he's never gonna take us anywhere, what can he do?
Try not to think of MM as the bad guy just 'cos he can do this kind of thing - whereas others - old board/TD - may have wanted to drive us forward but not been able to.
Sorry if this seems incoherant and like a whole lot of ramble. Hope somebody can make some kind of sense from it...