Wilcox has signed!

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Active Member
Just been on Sky Sports News that Wilcox has signed a 1 year contract
Dont know what clauses we will put in this year!

It was also stated that Brian Hughes had signed for Charlton

Thats 2 pieces of bad news! (not having a go at Wilcox just the young policy that MA promised).

I will find out more about Wilcox from my Rovers and Leeds mates

Hope he's got more pace than Gupps had.
dpjfox said:
Just been on Sky Sports News that Wilcox has signed a 1 year contract
Dont know what clauses we will put in this year!

It was also stated that Brian Hughes had signed for Charlton

Thats 2 pieces of bad news! (not having a go at Wilcox just the young policy that MA promised).

I will find out more about Wilcox from my Rovers and Leeds mates

Hope he's got more pace than Gupps had.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You must be joking.

If we get this Dutch defender, then I won't be as pissed off. :wink:
Hmmm, I was relatively happy with the other signings, but Wilcox, no ta. Oh well, hope he proves me wrong.

Micky Adams Dad's Army
I work with a Leeds fan and he said that Wilcox can be a good player when he wants to be but gets frustrated to easily.

So thats a frustrated (AKA crap) player on both wings!
LS6_Fox said:
When I told one of the inbreds here at work that we had signed Wilcox, he just laughed :?
I work with a Leeds fan and felt confident in betting him they would finish below us, now im getting worried and hes just past my desk pissin himself
"so Mickey, where do you see Wilcox fitting in?"

"well i see him pretty much picking up from where Matt Jones left off."
FNQ said:
Well done Micky Adams.
It wouldnt suprise me if you were micky adams. I agree with nothing you say.

Micky wants shooting for this. Its an outrage. Two wingers with no pace whatsoever. **** off dickhead (Micky)

Is he really 32? He looks about 40! :(
On paper the signings we have made are pretty good. Look at last season, we were all moaning that we had no decent players down the wings, Scowcroft had no pace and was just used for heading and we never settled with a left sided player. Now we have a natural winger on both sides, ok the legs may be tiring through age but in this league its not pace but skill thats required to produce decent crosses and both these players have got it. And whats this about no mixture of youth and experience, i have to agree with another thread that we already have this with Heath, Stewart, Wright, Morris and Williams with 3 of these with a good chance of being in the starting lineup and at least 1 on the bench.
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