A big part of my job at this time of year is taking people to see our wintering flock of Sandhill Cranes. Numbers are down (due to a change in agricultural use in their favoured valley) from over 40,000 a few years ago to about 19,000 this winter, but it's still a hugely impressive sight.
I get paid to point these out. Errrr.... there they are! Old rope...
Finally, a couple of scenic shots taken with my phone.
The Chiricahua Mountains at Portal, Arizona.
California Gulch, near where I live right down on the Mexican border in Santa Cruz county. One of my very favourite places in the world, and somewhere I get to go often in the summer for a couple of specialty birds that can't be found anywhere else.
Very last note, my photos have been pretty shitty for the last year or so, ever since my camera magically started working again having sat broken for two years. I'm not really a photographer - I just get lucky because I put myself in front of great wildlife every day - so I barely know how to work the camera, to be honest. But I finally got around to sitting down with the manual and figuring out all my settings, getting it back to where it used to be, hence the last few photos (cranes, turkey) being much better. Hopefully, the next lot that I post will be of this quality rather than the fuzzy shit before it, but that's dependent on my 'broken' eight-year-old Canon 30D continuing to work.
Right, I've got it all out of my system, you'll be safe from this for a good while now.