New profile posts

Have to say my selection would be largely the same as yours, maybe;

1. OK Computer
2. In Rainbows
3. Kid A
4. Amnesiac
5. Hail to the Thief
6. The Bends
7. Pablo Honey
Cheers :)

I want you to know
He's not coming back
Look into my eyes
I'm not coming back

So knives out
Catch the mouse
Don't look down
Shove it in your mouth

If you'd been a dog
They would've drowned you at birth

Look into my eyes
It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth
In regards to that photo, I used a program called Autostitch. It's a free download. You can also get it on the iPhone, and possibly other smartphones too.
Just to come back to you David, after you replied to my post earlier. Firstly, I accept your apology, however if I were to start a debate on racism, for example, I wouldn't just come out with a crass statement, based on zero knowledge and a fair degree of stereotyping and hope that people wouldn't be offended by what I had written. I would choose to pose a question and hope to therefore be able to put my opinion across based on the facts I knew, whilst also being open to someone with more knowledge on the subject correcting me on my inaccuracies. I thought you were also of this mindset and not someone who just posted stereotypes and damn the facts the get their point across.

I won't answer all of your questions, but if it helps I will give you a brief answer to the 2nd question, which hopefully explains a little bit of what sport scientists study. Firstly, it wasn't me that used the term biology, we would use physiology, there is a fair amount of crossover, but the whole reason for looking into the human body is for a different purpose. Generally speaking, the point of insertion of the hamstring muscles, which is just below the knee joint, is greater among black people than in white people. Bringing in a bit of biomechanics here, I'm sure you are aware of the principle of moment arms, i.e. the torque generated is equal the force applied multiplied by the distance between the application point of the force and the fulcrum (in this case the joint), this distance is often called the moment arm. A greater torque is effectively more power being generated in the running motion. This is why, physiologically, black athletes have an advantage over their white counterparts (in general).

As to why 'African Americans' tend to perform better at shorter distances than 'African Africans' and vice-versa, this is mainly down to the different physiques and therefore muscular development in different areas of the body that have evolved over time. Along with this is a fair bit of social interest in the different types of distance running meaning that the population in those respective countries are more focused on shorter or longer distances and as such (generally) produce more athletes in that type of event. As you would expect, a nation such as America, for example, produces more basketballers due to the cultural interest in the sport, when compared to populations in the Indian subcontinent, where sports such as cricket are more popular.
Yeah talking to the course leader later.

Not really thinking straight to be honest, some shit kicked off with a flatmate and right now studying is the last thing on my mind.
Hi. My first game was in 1970 (i did quite a few reserve games with my Dad before that). I moved to Aberdeen at the end of 1997 and haven't been able to see my beloved Foxes too many times per season since.
Hello Lee, You asked about the Martin Allen sacking. I am sending it as a private message because I am not sure of my facts - obviously I am not privy to Milan's thoughts. We do know that Milan stated it was not for football reasons.
I had a friend who worked as a cleaner at Belvoir Drive who talked about the dreadful way he and the other "lowly" staff were trated by Martin Allen (foul language etc) so that coming into work was an ordeal. Filthy language to players may or may not be acceptable filthy language to middle aged women is not. My friends wedding reception was attended by a number of the staff at Belvoir Drive (noone important) and they were saying they had received advice to keep a written log of all incidents. My friend who left under Holloway when the cleaning was contracted out believed that Milan sacking Martin Allen saved the club from the publicity and embarrassment of an employment tribunal. My friend was greatly relieved when Martin Allen left calling him foul mouthed and a bully. On the other hand "the little people" found Ian Holloway a delight to work with.