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  1. Bilborough Fox

    Remember the Doog,

    May I send my sincere Condolences to the family of Derek Dougan. He was A great player for us and will surely be remembered fondly by a lot of us older fans for all the good things in our great game and his good service to our club which in my opinion was not long enough.
  2. Bilborough Fox

    CL statement on the web Did you cop this one. Nice of CL to slag us of now he's found a job. The one point that I did find worrying was the statement about the...
  3. Bilborough Fox

    Andy Johnson - Is he the biz

    Was not impressed with him at all last night even given the fact that he was coming back from injury. I thought that his going to ground every times he lost the ball or got tackled was second rate compared to Huckerby. He was encouraged a lot by the referee who got a few wrong last night, mind...
  4. Bilborough Fox

    Penalty or Not

    Ddidn't manage to get to the match today, but would welcome a optinion on the penalty. According to the radio reports, on various stations, the general thought is that even after watching replays it was very difficult to see where there was contact for the award. Very much a home town decision...
  5. Bilborough Fox

    He's back to try again

    According to the OS Lee Morris is making a comback again at Oadby in the Westerby Cup. If you've never seen him play for the Foxes that's the place to be. Hope he comes through it well and healthy. Deserves it for his persistence. But don't hold your breath as this could be his last performance...
  6. Bilborough Fox

    Scheming Git

    How long do you reckon Mister Leicester City ( Dion Dublin ) has been plotting this one then. Seen a couple of interviews recently and got the impression that he was saying all the right things but with no sincerity or passion for the club. That's why he's been so verhment in supporting the...
  7. Bilborough Fox

    Is it for real

    Well glory be , Lee Morris is back playing tonight. Don't know wether to believe or not. Surprised vBookie isn't running a bet on how long he lasts. I remember him playing for us but not when, but I know he didn't last the mastch. Lets hope the lad comes good at last and gives us a spark. Good...
  8. Bilborough Fox

    The absent midfielders

    Just got back from Sheffield. Bad result. Unfortunately I had invite to an exe box together with my tribe. Didn't help matters, but they passed an opinion that agreed with mine. Why did three of our four midfielders not bother fighting for the ball, lack the skill or commitment to do something...
  9. Bilborough Fox

    Dublin & De Vries: Was this a positive Move

    Did any of you feel that this was the right choice for this game. When the team was announced I had my doubts about us scoring one never mind any more. Picking two big men with limited mobility meant that everything would be coming in through the aerial route and Burnley proved they could cope...