A challenge to Agony Uncles

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Give her homer's number. he'll do anyone!
Tell me why.

Why can't a woman have several sexual partners, and admit to it, to all of them, and just enjoy her freedom to do this, as bound by the strict definitions of safe sex?

What's the problem?

I don't understand.

Don't you? I think it's fairly easy to understand.Nobody is saying she shouldn't sleep around or whatever but clearly if she wants to then she is not ready for a relationship.I might be weird but I thought being part of a relationship and wanting a relationship with that person means you commit to one person and you only want sex with that one person.,guess I'm in the minority:102:
Don't you? I think it's fairly easy to understand.Nobody is saying she shouldn't sleep around or whatever but clearly if she wants to then she is not ready for a relationship.I might be weird but I thought being part of a relationship and wanting a relationship with that person means you commit to one person and you only want sex with that one person.,guess I'm in the minority:102:

Far from it HF, it's just the minority shouting louder, in an effort to make it right.
Each week I'll challenge the guys on this board to come up with :) replies to my newspaper ag col questions, and act as my panel. If you would?

No thankyou,we don't want to be part of your Sex Festival
I must confess this thread gives a whole new meaning to the word surreal. What the hell is going on here?
I think you may have slightly mis-understood her, a bloke only knows what he is talking about if it is in agreement with Innocents opinion/view.

That's not a bloke, that's a doormat.

And not being a bloke, I think the 'advice' for the second question is shocking.
If someone wants to be a local bike(be it a man or a woman) then that's their perogative, but they certainly shouldn't expect to have a lasting relationship with a partner and demand that everything be done to what they want. ESPECIALLY if the partner is not happy with it.
Judging from your advice I would assume you are telling the bint that she can do what she likes and sod the poor sap who cares about her.

I seriously hope people don't actually follow your comments on these issues, because-maybe it's me being old-fashioned- but that's what part of the problem is in society today. No darn respect for people or their feelings!
That's not a bloke, that's a doormat.

And not being a bloke, I think the 'advice' for the second question is shocking.
If someone wants to be a local bike(be it a man or a woman) then that's their perogative, but they certainly shouldn't expect to have a lasting relationship with a partner and demand that everything be done to what they want. ESPECIALLY if the partner is not happy with it.
Judging from your advice I would assume you are telling the bint that she can do what she likes and sod the poor sap who cares about her.

I seriously hope people don't actually follow your comments on these issues, because-maybe it's me being old-fashioned- but that's what part of the problem is in society today. No darn respect for people or their feelings!

hear hear !!
Don't forget that she is in Liverpool.....

Very illuminating.

No, I'm not in Liverpool. I left there almost 3 years ago after my mum was finally admitted to a Care Home for her Alzheimer's.

I'm back in Leicester.

Judging from your advice I would assume you are telling the bint that she can do what she likes and sod the poor sap who cares about her.

When you do this stuff, you have to do perspective-taking, down to a fine art.

Now WHO cares for her? Could you determine? Caring is always a two-way process. If she doesn't care, and she doesn't get the message that anyone cares for her, who are you to judge?

That's the essence of doing ag aunt stuff. You just have to have an EI score that flies off the top of the rating.
Now WHO cares for her? Could you determine? Caring is always a two-way process. If she doesn't care, and she doesn't get the message that anyone cares for her, who are you to judge?

No, I didn't care for her, at all, Yes, I could determine, she couldn't.
She had a fanny like a wizards sleeve, she's had many more since me, she still has a miserable life, she's jealous of everybody around her, even if they're having a shit time.
What a **** up. With a slack cavity. She prays to be inflicted by vaginismus, it might stop her being as wide as Charles Street.

Lots of love, Macky, the whiskey & skunk poet
Oh dear. Empathy and EQ taking second place to Mr Angry or Ms Angry POVs?

Don't judge, please.

Just listen carefully, and respond thoughtfully. Don't be Jezza, who is a total moron IMHO, and always was.

This girl isn't doing anything wrong. All her partners know she has other partners. If that's a problem for them they can disengage.She isn't asking them to remain with her, is she? She's being careful, but doesn't want to commit. Is that fairynuff?

Is that an honest and fair stance to take, for a woman?

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