A legal question

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I know the answer to Jeff's question, but unfortunately it's covered by a super-injunction so I can't divulge. it. I can say " Ryan Giggs " with inpunity 'tho. I feel better for that.

I've not been out this morning yet. Anyone know if the papers are full of this yet? I'd almost have expected the whole of Fleet Street and Wapping to have broken the injunction at the same time as it has obviously become such a farcical situation now.
I've not been out this morning yet. Anyone know if the papers are full of this yet? I'd almost have expected the whole of Fleet Street and Wapping to have broken the injunction at the same time as it has obviously become such a farcical situation now.

No, the papers are being careful despite the fact the world and his mother is now aware of what R G got up to. I was saying yesterday that if he'd had just let the news come out ages ago it would have been forgotten about in a couple of weeks. All he's doing is bringing more and more attention to himself and spending god knows what on legal fees.
I can confirm I've had a request from Jeff via PM to try and get some more donations in as per the software upgrade. He needs it to get bail.
The Mail is reporting that another Premier League player is taking further action after a reporter revealed details of his injunction via Twitter.

Maybe footballers should learn to keep it in their pants, as at the end of the day, the only winners are the lawyers involved.

Obviously I wouldn't be saying this if I'd got an Oxbridge First....
The fact that he seriously thinks he can silence the internet shows what a bunch of ignorant, deluded c***s football players are.

But especially Ryan Giggs of Manchester United, he has justifiably earned my COTY vote. Sorry, sweary bloke.
The Mail is reporting that another Premier League player is taking further action after a reporter revealed details of his injunction via Twitter.

Maybe footballers should learn to keep it in their pants, as at the end of the day, the only winners are the lawyers involved.

Obviously I wouldn't be saying this if I'd got an Oxbridge First....

tbh I don't much care if they are cheating on their partners, that's down to their conscience.
I think more people take notice though when they do this cos people are naturally nosy and when folks try and hide something, they want to know everything about it.

But whilst I don't have much sympathy for the daft bint who knew she was getting herself involved with a married man, I do think it's wrong how Giggs can send a 'witness statement' into a court accusing this lass of blackmail and all sorts without a shred of evidence(and have the judge read it out and agree with it without said evidence to back it up!), just to get a court order to hide the fact he's been playing away. Yes she's a stupid bint, but he's left her out to dry whilst trying to cover up his own shenanigans. Says more about what sort of bloke he is to do that than anything. And tbh his missus is just as bad- she should be kicking him to the kerb and taking him for half his money.
Yes she's a stupid bint, but he's left her out to dry whilst trying to cover up his own shenanigans. Says more about what sort of bloke he is to do that than anything. And tbh his missus is just as bad- she should be kicking him to the kerb and taking him for half his money.

There is not one thing that leaves him with any sense of credibility whatsoever. For years he was quiet and respected through being so - not now. Now he's Giggs, Destroyer of Internets.
In the civil courts, a witness statement is your evidence. Any applicant in a matter like this would have to send in a witness statement stating why they are making the application. This is an interim application, not a final injunction, and so the matter is decided on the merits of the application. In some areas, interim applications are heard "without notice", so the defendant doesn't even get to find out about it until after the interim Order is made.

She'll be able to put her side across when the matter is heard to determine if there is a final injunction, if it gets that far.
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In the civil courts, a witness statement is your evidence. Any applicant in a matter like this would have to send in a witness statement stating why they are making the application. This is an interim application, not a final injunction, and so the matter is decided on the merits of the application. In some areas, interim applications are heard "without notice", so the defendant doesn't even get to find out about it until after the interim Order is made.

She'll be able to put her side across when the matter is heard to determine if there is a final injunction, if it gets that far.

Yeah but people don't want to know that as it makes it less fun ;)
Also the whole point of the injunction being without notice is if he had told her he was going for one, she may have tried to sell her story etc before he could get one which would make the process of getting an injunction pointless in the first place.

Not that its worked mind.
The thing is I usually ignore this type of tabloid trash. It's only because there was such a fuss about this injunction that I wanted to find out who this was.
The thing is I usually ignore this type of tabloid trash. It's only because there was such a fuss about this injunction that I wanted to find out who this was.

I still have no idea who she is
I still have no idea who she is
The thing is I usually ignore this type of tabloid trash. It's only because there was such a fuss about this injunction that I wanted to find out who this was.

I agree. Also though was the fact I wanted to know who could be such an idiot as to do things in the way he has. How could he possibly hope to gag the UK let alone the entire world?

His lawyers are raking it in no doubt.
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