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£32 million for Pompey last year before the TV deals were announced - and a side seemingly destined for relegation.
£85 million for West Ham - a side in a relegation place

Doesn't seem unreasonable if MM were to take us to the prem.

If only we could get on a roll - and I think that means MM's involvement - we have the potential for being bigger than Pompey, Blackburn, Bolton etc

The idea that Wigan Athletic could be viewed as a bigger fish than Leicester City would have been seen a ridiculous only a few years ago.

We have the ground and the fan base.....all we lack is financial muscle. a manager and a football team. That's all!!!
If we assume the deal is worth £25m (as reported by the BBC and the Leic Merc) and we say that shareholders buyout is apx £6m - what is the rest of the money going towards? Unlikely £19m is being made available towards transfers, thus I had (wrongly maybe) thought that £15m apx was going towards buying the training facility, fixtures and fittings and the stadium - leaving the rest for working capital.

Maybe it's because Bill Anderson keeps making the same mistake, so perhaps we should concerntrate on 25m- £15.9m, as the purchase of the ground is a complete red herring
I don't think its a mistake, maybe he just doesn't like the thought that LCFC is worth £6.3million.

Also i doubt MM is going to say what he is really going to pay for LCFC, after all it could let other potential investors get a sniff of the real value.
Maybe it's because Bill Anderson keeps making the same mistake, so perhaps we should concerntrate on 25m- £15.9m, as the purchase of the ground is a complete red herring

How do you know the purchase of the ground is a complete red herring, if as you like to keep telling us, you still await reciept of the official bid document :102:
How do you know the purchase of the ground is a complete red herring, if as you like to keep telling us, you still await reciept of the official bid document :102:

One would assume his indicative offer said nothing about the purchase of the ground. If he is serious about getting the club promoted, the purchase of the ground would not be high on his list of priorities - he needs to spend money on the squad. In addition, I doubt if the amount he will put into the club would be enough to clear the loan with Teacher's anyway.
No it isn't going tits up...not yet.

And now there is an experienced hand on the tiller who is handling quite a bit of the negotiation.

Everythings not lost.
These things are rarely plain sailing but the impression I get is that there isn't anything wrong that cannot be resolved...eventually
No it isn't going tits up...not yet.

And now there is an experienced hand on the tiller who is handling quite a bit of the negotiation.

Everythings not lost.

Mandaric deal is still alive - City

Leicester City have confirmed that the Milan Mandaric takeover deal is still on-going and that talks are under way.

But there is now a danger that the conclusion of the deal might not beat the January 1 deadline, the date the transfer window opens.

The club do not dispute yesterday's statement from Mandaric's advisors that extra debts surfaced during the due diligence procedure.

But the deal is still on the stocks and a City spokesman said: "Negotiations are continuing on the matter in an effort to resolve the issues."

In the light of what has been uncovered, Mandaric's final bid - which is still technically to be delivered - could be amended from the offer which was accepted in principle by the shareholders' meeting on the morning of the Preston game more than four weeks ago.

That might mean more meetings before City made a decision, thus stretching the process even further.

Time is now of the essence. Had everything gone smoothly, Mandaric would have been installed as the club's owner by now, but there have been so many obstacles arising that his frustration has built up along the way.

Fortunately for City, Mandaric has not allowed that frustration to prompt him to walk away, and the club must hope that any problems which have now surfaced can be dealt with to keep the takeover alive.

Every week is vital and already precious time has been lost, so if City boss Robert Kelly did have a notional shopping list in mind, he now runs the risk of seeing his targets go elsewhere before he can make a move.

The recent improvement in results will not have deflected Kelly from his hope that he will be able to strengthen his squad although, until the ink is dry on the takeover, he will take nothing for granted.

Instead, he will be concentrating on matters on the field, with a tough test against promotion challenging Cardiff on Saturday. Another big crowd at the Walkers Stadium is hoped for as the festive programme gets under way.

But the rumblings from the legal eagles will be in the back of everyone's mind until everything is sorted out.|0|2185366269754|p|536|0
How do you know the purchase of the ground is a complete red herring, if as you like to keep telling us, you still await reciept of the official bid document :102:

You've got to remember that the morality of the Foxes Trust allows it to leak these little gems, whilst criticising anybody else who dares to do the same.
the BBC report said:

The club do not dispute yesterday's statement from Mandaric's advisors that extra debts surfaced during the due diligence procedure.

Disgraceful. How dare the club enter negotiations without being honest about how much they owe? Why should MM have to 'find out' about such important details? This should all have been on the table in the first place, if only to avoid the kind of delay we are now facing.
Disgraceful. How dare the club enter negotiations without being honest about how much they owe? Why should MM have to 'find out' about such important details? This should all have been on the table in the first place, if only to avoid the kind of delay we are now facing.

But remember Boc, it is Mandaric who is the shady character ;)
its bloody ridiculous!! its not as if they werent going to find out anyway?!?! or maybe we didnt make it known to him at first in case it scared him away??
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